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His Ex-Wife Is A Billionaire? novel Chapter 164

The gig kicked off.

Christina, the lady pianist, elegantly clad in a deep blue velvet dress, slowly strolled onto the stage. She sat in front of a pitch-black piano, all set to serenade the audience with her claim-to-fame tune, Whispers of Eternity.

The crowd was completely captivated by the enchanting melody, leaving the venue in utter silence.

Even though the piano music was quite a treat, Evadne's gaze was fixed on Christina's deep blue dress.

This one-of-a-kind custom-made piece was designed by the internationally acclaimed designer Haron, who was none other than Evadne herself.

Only the celebrities of international fame and stardom were worthy of Haron's creations.

Thaddeus struggled to focus on the performance, his hands clenched and slightly shaking.

His anger was simmering as he stared at Evadne's beautiful face.

Occasionally, Avery would have a quiet word with Evadne. She'd nod slightly, her eyes twinkling with amusement, seemingly interested in what he had to say.

Thaddeus was growing paler, his clenched hands revealing popping veins, his gaze fixed on her.

Did she and that guy really have so much to chat about?

They had been married for three years, living together every day. How come she had never had so much to talk to him about?

"Man, why's it suddenly so chilly?" Jareth complained, shrinking his neck.

After a few more tunes, Christina brought her star pupil, Edith, onto the stage.

Edith, a beautiful young girl with chestnut curls that cascaded down to her waist, was dressed in a gorgeous green chiffon dress adorned with flowers, enhancing her stunning beauty even more.

"Edith, look here! It's your big brother!" Jareth, spotting his sister on stage, waved excitedly.

Thaddeus was expressionless, wishing he could boot him off the stage.

But Edith on stage didn't notice her brother's support. She bowed confidently to the audience.

Then, she sat at the piano and began playing Mozart's Turkish March.

Evadne, watching Edith on stage, was filled with envy.

Her left hand resting on her knee, her fingers danced to the melody from muscle memory.

The injured little finger seemed to come alive again.

"I remember you played the piano quite well when you were little," Avery, watching Evadne's fingers dance, said in a low voice, "If you had chosen to pursue music, you would have outshone her."

"That's impossible now," Evadne responded.

Her trembling fingers retracted and clenched tightly, "I can never play like that again."

Years ago on the battlefield of Zenithia, she severely injured the ligaments in her left hand, dragging an injured Thaddeus back to the camp. Her little finger was completely numb, which was irreversible.

As for the other four fingers, countless rehab sessions and buckets of sweat had barely brought them back to functionality.

But Evadne never regretted saving Thaddeus.

Even though he had hurt her deeply, they had once fought side by side for world peace.

What she had saved was not just a man, but a peacekeeper.

Her scars were not a shadow she couldn't erase, but her highest personal honor.

After a successful concert, Christina and her student Edith bowed, receiving flowers and applause.

"Ms. Evadne, would you join me backstage?" Avery asked with a smile.

"Mr. Avery, is there something you need?" Evadne asked.

"Just a small personal matter. My mother is a big fan of Ms. Christina, so I wanted to get her an autographed record."

"Christina is quite proud. It might be difficult."

Avery smiled warmly, "That's okay. As long as I get a chance to meet her and present my sincere request, she may agree."

Jareth was beyond proud, laughing incessantly and carrying a large bouquet as he led Thaddeus backstage.

However, coming down the other end of the corridor were Evadne and Avery.


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