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His Ex-Wife Is A Billionaire? novel Chapter 904

Evadne stared at Avery in disbelief, her heart pounding heavily against her ribs.

Her plan had been flawless. She had not only successfully captured this snake, clearing her own name in the process but also ensured the safety of everyone involved, leaving them unharmed. Yet, she had missed a crucial detail.

She never imagined that Avery was genuinely ill, actually medicating to mask his condition!

"You may have been released on bail, but you'll need to wear an ankle monitor and report your whereabouts to us 24/7," the police officer said as he unlocked the cell. Avery walked out with unwavering poise, his face betraying no emotion.

As he brushed past Evadne, he paused briefly, his voice soft yet filled with a hidden warmth: "Evadne, thank you for coming to see me. This has been the most memorable birthday I've had in years."

With that, the Chambers Group entourage departed, leaving Evadne standing there, her face pale, her slender fingers clenched into fists.


Avery's release was a success. Moreover, with a haggard look on his face, he stood at the police station's entrance, openly addressing the reporters:

"Due to my condition, I've had to take medication for years, which caused side effects, leading to a positive drug test result. I've caused the police trouble and used up too many public resources. I sincerely apologize to everyone for worrying you."

He then bowed deeply towards the camera, a gesture of humility from someone of his stature, admitting to a mistake that wasn't strictly his own.

His demeanor, his attitude, his magnanimity! Who wouldn't be moved by such a display?

Especially coming from Avery, whose handsome and refined appearance was the perfect disguise. His exceptional acting skills portrayed him as an innocent victim of slander and manipulation to perfection.

"Mr. Chambers! There were reports that the new banned substance, which wreaked havoc in Elmsworth, was found in your hospital room. How do you explain that?" a reporter asked.

Harvey immediately spoke on his behalf, visibly outraged: "This is a deliberate frame-up against Mr. Chambers, an attack on the Chambers Group! We've reported this to the police, and an investigation has been launched to bring the real culprit to light and clear Mr. Chambers' name!"

The media, initially eager to witness Avery's downfall, quickly changed their tune, expressing sympathy for him.

The public opinion shifted overnight!

Lawyer Lee stayed behind to handle the aftermath, while Avery, escorted by Harvey, got into a luxury Bentley.

"Mr. Chambers, where would you like to go?" Harvey asked with concern.

"To The Velvet Haven, for a night's rest." Avery leaned back, exhausted, removing his glasses and massaging his temples. His face, once youthful and handsome, now bore signs of weariness, adding a rugged charm. "Tomorrow morning, I'll go to the Chambers Group for an emergency board meeting. The company's been in chaos these past few days; I need to stabilize the situation."

"Ah, Mr. Chambers, you're overworking yourself! You haven't fully recovered, and this could make things worse," Harvey lamented, deeply concerned.

"It can't be helped; the mess Evadne's made, I have to clean it up myself." Avery smiled gently, bearing no grudge, even seeming somewhat fond of the ordeal.


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