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His Glamorous Reborn Wife novel Chapter 181

Shi Dawei almost vomited blood when he witnessed the sight.

He just knew Shi Jin spelled trouble! He knew that there would be no peace for his class, especially the boys!

He slammed the table hard. "What do you need to stand on your own two feet? As students, you need good grades. You need talent when you are out in society!

How could you waste your time on shallow things all the time? Even if she looks good on the outside, it is all superficial, got it?"

Everyone in class burst out laughing.

Shi Jin opened her eyes and glanced at Shi Dawei.

Despite the calmness in her eyes, she looked completely emotionless giving Shi Dawei a slight shock. However, he never liked students like Shi Jin, so he continued, "As for the newly transferred students, even if you are not interested in studying, you should at least not affect the other students! Class will begin now!"

Everyone reluctantly turned their eyes away from her before they finally settled down and proceeded with class.

People kept furtively stealing a glance at her, but Shi Jin remained focused and paid no attention to them, so they veered their eyes after looking at her briefly.

Shi Jin opened her textbook and glanced through its contents. In her past life, she was academically inclined and was a model student. However, the moment she found out she was swapped at birth, she lost focus. She was just a 12 year old kid and was naturally unable to absorb this. Hence, she was gradually distracted from her studies and her grades declined badly.

She kept coming in last in class and kept repeating grade two classes in an effort to avoid getting married to Fu Xiuyuan.

In her past life, she secretly learned a lot of skills to help her court Chu Ling. After she was deceived, she regretted her actions deeply and tried to pick up her studies once more. However, she could not escape her fate in her past life.

After she opened the textbooks, memories flooded her head and all the questions were summoned to mind.

She flipped open a test paper as Shi Dawei went on with class and quickly finished it. After she was done answering the test, she checked her answers and confirmed she had gotten everything right.

Shi Jin smiled.

Shi Dawei slammed the table hard when he caught sight of Shi Jin doing something else. "Shi Jin, this isn't the entertainment industry and this isn't your stage! Put aside your coquettish behavior this instant. If you are interested in my class, you are welcome to listen. Otherwise, get out!"

Although he was unable to stop the principal from transferring Shi Jin to his class, he was certainly able to throw his temper on Shi Jin.

Shi Jin stood up and said, "In that case, I will leave!"

"You! How dare you leave!" Shi Dawei was infuriated.

"Didn't you tell me to leave?"

"Very well! Then don't bother coming to my class from now on!"

Shi Jin smiled. "As you wish!"

The second year students had never encountered anything as exciting as this. They were so blown away by Shi Jin's words that their legs turned soft as they slammed the table and went into a commotion.

Shi Dawei looked livid. Moments later, he finally got a handle on things.

After class finally ended, the students from the other classes swarmed over to see Shi Jin face-off Shi Dawei.

Shi Dawei stormed into the principal's office angrily. There was no way on earth Shi Jin could remain in his class!

He was so angry that he barged right in without even knocking and saw Principal Lu and Shi Jin chatting inside.

"Principal Lu, Shi Jin can't stay in my class!"


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