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His Glamorous Reborn Wife novel Chapter 194

Other than the Chu family, a lot of friends and relatives were there for the party.

Shi Jin's third aunt was present as well. She always had a candid personality, so the moment she arrived, she praised, "Xuexin, you are handling your duties as the host perfectly. You have done us proud as the daughter of the Shi family."

"All I did was give her some practice." Yu Xiuhua felt pleased by the flattery, but she said modestly, "She was able to do so well because all her elders taught her well."

"Since she is your biological daughter, I am sure she is better," said Third Aunt as she gestured. Everyone knew she was comparing Shi Xuexin and Shi Jin.

Seventh Aunt promptly asked, "Why isn't Shi Jin here today?"

Yu Xiuhua took the opportunity to say, "Shi Jin is coming over with her biological parents, so they might be a little late."

Third aunt said in astonishment, "Are her parents coming? Xiuhua, since when were they considered relatives?"

Everyone looked at Yu Xiuhua curiously.

The Shi family had already spread gossip about how awful the Li family was in high society.

Yu Xiuhua kept belittling the Li family in public.

Despite never blatantly speaking ill of the Li family, it was clear from Shi Xuexin's reaction how pathetic the Li family was.

Although Yu Xiuhua had seen Li Juekai and Gu Qingqing a couple of times, Li Juekai's legs were injured and he was depressed from Shi Jin's repeated rejection, so they were always in bad shape whenever they met.

Yu Xiuhua naturally despised them. She failed to realize exactly who Li Juekai and Gu Qingqing were.

"After all, Shi Jin grew up in the Shi family. Whatever it is, we can't leave them in the lurch," said Yu Xiuhua as she smiled and acted generous.

She glanced at Mr and Mrs Chu.

Chu Ling and Shi Jin were childhood friends, so they were exceptionally close to each other.

After learning Shi Jin wasn't her daughter, Yu Xiuhua was worried that Shi Jin would end up marrying into the Chu family owing to how close Shi Jin and Chu Ling were.

Fortunately, Chu Ling knew better than to do that. Shortly after Shi Xuexin returned to the Shi family, he started to take a liking to Shi Xuexin. And Shi Jin ended up embarrassing herself by repeatedly throwing herself at him.

Since Shi Jin visited the Chu family often, Mr and Mrs Chu felt bad about Shi Jin's predicament. They did not insist that Shi Jin stay away from Chu Ling. Instead, they left it to Chu Ling to decide who he preferred to marry and claimed to respect their son's preference.

Yu Xiuhua had invited Shi Jin's parents over today. She wanted Mr and Mrs Chu to see what an embarrassment the Li family was for themselves. Also, she wanted to show them what lousy parents Li Juekai and Gu Qingqing were for abandoning their daughter for years. That way, Mr and Mrs Chu were bound to pick Shi Xuexin.

Third Aunt sighed, "Shi Jin is such a smart girl for refusing to leave the Shi family. Now, she has everything she could ever dream of and even her parents can get invited to this party as guests."

She made it clear Shi Jin was using her ties with the Shi family since they were rich and powerful.

Seventh Aunt chimed in, "That's true. If she stays here, she can get everything she wants. What's the point of returning to the Li family? I really have to take my hat off to the Li family. They were able to let their biological daughter live outside without hesitation. They were smart to give up their daughter so that they could curry favor with the Shi family."

All the other relatives felt the same way.


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