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His Glamorous Reborn Wife novel Chapter 330

Naturally, the secretary ignored Wen Yongwei.

The card could be gotten according to the normal procedures.

"Director Kang, President Cui has been busy recently. He might not have time to help me." Wen Yongwei was disappointed, but she still had to comfort Kang Cheng. "As you know, he's been busy with Shen Yi recently. He can't split his attention."

"Understood," Kang Cheng said casually.

Kang Cheng and Wen Yongwei went to get their cards.

The procedures were complicated and drawn out, but Wen Yongwei was still excited and happy at the thought of being able to freely enter and exit the dance association in the future.

The last time she came to visit, because Shi Jin was also there, she had only taken a cursory glance and had not gone to many places.

With a card, things would be different.

After getting the card, she asked, "I'm going to submit an upgrade application. Can I go in now?" "You can, but as a junior member, there aren't many places you can get into, just a few public dance halls. The information room, office area, file room, private dance hall, VIP dance hall, and so on aren't open to junior members."

Wen Yongwei's joy at receiving the card immediately halved. She had visited the public dance hall before and it was not interesting, but now, he was saying that she could only go to those places?

Seeing her expression, the guard said, "If you want to go to more places, work hard to level up."

As a last resort, Wen Yongwei had no choice but to swipe her card and submit the application form.

By the time they came out, it was already late. She and Kang Cheng got into the minivan and hurried toward the night's event venue.

After the car drove off, Kang Cheng saw a cafe. He called for a stop.

There was an event that night, and Wen Yongwei was going to do her makeup later. This meant that neither of them would be able to have dinner normally.

There was still some food in the car, but he needed a cup of coffee.

"Please help me buy a cup of coffee too, Director Kang." Wen Yongwei had been waiting at the entrance of the dance association for a few hours and was exhausted.

Kang Cheng got out of the car without a word. Wen Yongwei suddenly called out to him, "Director Kang!"

Kang Cheng looked back and saw her pointing out the window.

His eyes followed the direction of Wen Yongwei's finger and he saw Shi Jin and a young man buying coffee.

The young man gave off a very familiar feeling, as if he had seen him somewhere before.


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