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His Glamorous Reborn Wife novel Chapter 817

Fu Heyan also realized that Fu Xiuyuan had yet to recover from that mouthful of milk.

"Xiuyuan, go downstairs and rest for a while."

Fu Xiuyuan spoke to Shi Jin before turning to go downstairs.

"This is for the little darling." Shi Jin held out a sachet. "It calms the nerves and eases the restlessness. It's harmless to both babies and pregnant women."

Fu Heyan was as happy as if she had received a treasure. She was even happier than when she received priceless jewels. "I just knew that you definitely won't treat your nephew badly. I like this thing the most. Last time, according to the method you taught me and the sachet you gave me, my son isn't fussy at night and is quite easy to take care of."

"It's that amazing?" Lan Tian was curious. "Does it work on adults? Or only babies? If I have children in the future, can I come and ask for one?"

"There's more than enough," Shi Jin said with a smile.

Fu Heyan tapped her forehead. "Aren't you embarrassed? You're thinking of having a child so soon? You haven't been dating for more than a few days, right? No, you seem to be getting engaged?"

"Lan Tian is getting engaged?" Shi Jin was also surprised. When she first met her, she seemed to be underage. Time sure flew by.

Lan Tian nodded gently. "I am getting engaged." However, there was a lot of melancholy in her eyes. There was not much joy in her engagement. Instead, there was some helplessness.

Shi Jin could tell that something was bothering her.

Fu Heyan did not notice. Her mind was on the child and she could not care about anything else.

Shi Jin looked at Lan Tian seriously for a while and said, "Come downstairs with me for a drink?"

"Sure," Lan Tian agreed immediately.

They went downstairs and sat down in a corner of the living room. A maid came immediately and asked what they would like to drink.

"I'll settle for plain water," said Lan Tian.

Shi Jin asked for a glass of sparkling water before asking her, "Are you not well?"

"Can you tell that too?"

"Well, the color of your neck is a little different. It's a butterfly rash. I don't think your mental state is as good as it used to be. Is it lupus erythematosus [1. An autoimmune inflammatory disease causing scaly red patches on the skin, especially on the face, and sometimes affecting connective tissue in the internal organs]?"

Lan Tian nodded. "Yes. It was discovered more than six months ago. It was quite serious at the time. Fortunately, it has been treated all this time. It's quite stable now, but the doctor still says there are a lot of taboos. You have to take your medicine every day. It feels like your life has suddenly lost its luster." "I think you're controlling it pretty well. You just have to pay attention. It's not a big problem. Don't worry too much."

"Yes, yes." Lan Tian nodded and looked up with a smile. "Then you have to come to my engagement."

"Are you really getting engaged so soon?"

Lan Tian's tone was wistful for a moment. "We've known each other since we were children. When they suggested it before, I agreed. I didn't want to get engaged so early. Mom and Dad wanted us to talk and interact first, but after I got sick, Mom and Dad got a little anxious, as if they were really afraid I wouldn't be able to get married. They agreed, so they said we were engaged."

"Congratulations." Shi Jin's sparkling water arrived. She took the water from the maid and handed it to Lan Tian. She picked it up and clinked it against hers.

"Thank you," Lan Tian replied without much joy.

"Give me your hand." Shi Jin arched a brow.

Lan Tian offered her hand.

Shi Jin touched her wrist, probing for a pulse.

Lan Tian waited quietly for her to take her pulse.

After a long time, Shi Jin said, "I'll prescribe you some medicine later."

"Sure, sure. Thank you, Sis." Lan Tian trusted Shi Jin unconditionally and agreed without hesitation.


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