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His Glamorous Reborn Wife novel Chapter 942

Charles waved for two cars.

Yue Yu casually glanced at one of the cars and said to Yue Lanchen, "Lanchen, get in this car."

"Okay." Without hesitation, Yue Lanchen got into the car.

"Go back and get some rest. I'll see you at the game tomorrow. I'm off too." Yue Yu waved at him.

Then she got into the other car.

After Yue Lanchen got into the car, Yue Yu's car drove off in another direction.

His car hadn't gone far when a car in front of him stopped him.

Yue Lanchen felt a sudden nervousness.

He gripped the back of the chair.

Two figures got out of the car in front of him. Yue Lanchen couldn't see them clearly against the light. He nervously raised the back of his hand to shield his vision.

When the two of them approached, he shouted in surprise, "Sister, Brother-in-law! Why are you here?"

Fu Xiuyuan and Shi Jin opened the door and got into the car.

Yue Lanchen hurriedly made way for them.

"You guys are here to give me a surprise, aren't you?" Yue Lanchen said happily. "I knew you couldn't bear to let me compete alone! Sis was just lying to me before that you guys weren't coming."

Actually, he was not alone with Yue Yu accompanying him, but Shi Jin's arrival still had a different meaning.

Shi Jin patted him on the head. "Come on, get in our car. We'll take you back."

"Sure," Yue Lanchen replied immediately.

Fu Xiuyuan spoke briefly in French to the driver, who let Yue Lanchen off.

On the way, Yue Lanchen chatted and laughed happily.

Before the three of them could return to the team, Yue Lanchen received a call from the hospital. The caller spoke French, which he couldn't fully understand at the moment. He was anxious. "What? What hospital did you say? What is it?"

"Allow me," Fu Xiuyuan said, reaching for the phone.

After he finished the call, he said with a grave expression, "Yue Yu's car just lost control and crashed into a building. She was taken to the hospital. The police found the most recent call in her phone to be you, so they called you."

"What? I'll be right there!" Yue Lanchen was very anxious.

"We'll accompany you there."

Yue Lanchen did not speak for the rest of the journey. He held his head and looked pained.

Shi Jin said nothing either, but sat with him in silence.

When they reached the hospital, Charles joined them.

He was questioning the police loudly and indignantly in French.

"The brakes failed? Why would they? That's my family's car and driver! Impossible!"

Yue Lanchen rushed over. "How's my sister?"

"She's still in surgery." Charles swallowed his anger. "Wait here a minute."

"Is it serious?" Yue Lanshen's voice was hoarse and bitter.

"I don't know yet."

Charles was in no mood to comfort him.

Yue Lanchen had no choice but to sit down.

Shi Jin and Fu Xiuyuan stood at the side, not saying much.


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