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His Stunning Doctor Wife novel Chapter 1008

In the bar opposite the crowded Sincere Medicine Center, Eden Li carefully came out of the toilet after a long time. Watching the scene opposite, the expression on his face changed and it finally turned into gritted hatred, "Fade, you and I are at odds."

After that, Eden turned around, and left from the back door of the bar cautiously.

In the next few days, as the media reported the incidents, Sincere Medicine Center's business improved. Before the shop opened every morning, there was a queue of people, waiting to buy the medicine.

With such business, Sincere Medicine Center was simply too busy. Fade didn't hide his medicine's recipe. After discussing with Otto, he united some of the local reputable medical stores in Jade City.

Fade put the antidote in their pharmacy and asked them to help sell it. The profit from the sale was ultimately divided between the two parties. Fade got 60% and the other pharmacy got 40%.

Originally, Otto suggested that Fade should've given them less profit. He felt that Fade should get 70% or even 80%.

After all, they knew how popular the antidote was now in Jade City. Just the name of the antidote would bring a steady stream of customers. It can be said that people were dying for the mere word Antidote"'.

Even if Fade didn't give them any profits from the final sales, it would also bring customers and reputation to their stores. Therefore, the owners of these Chinese medicine stores agreed to it without any hesitation.

In the end, it was Fade who decided to give them 40% of the profit.

After all, he was not short of money. Dividing profits with these pharmacies would help them grow. It was also conducive to the promotion and development of Chinese medicine. For Fade, this was more important than making more profit.

As a result, Fade's reputation in Jade City became better, especially in the pharmaceutical industry. Many citizens of Jade City were able to recognize Fade.

It could be said that in that short period of time, the subsidiary of Fei Enterprises Holdings Inc and the branch of Sincere Medicine Center had established a firm foothold in Jade City. Their developments had also entered the right track.

Simultaneously, the great demand for the Sincere

Medicine Center's antidote had also driven the development of the entire Jade City's Chinese medicine halls. Take Otto Clinic as an example. During this period, their business performance had increased by nearly 30%. This was a massive excitement as many Chinese medicine halls were facing a decline in their business.

To express his gratitude to Fade, Otto contacted the practitioners of traditional Chinese medicine throughout Jade City. He specially organized and held the "Jade City's Traditional Chinese Medicine" symposium and invited Fade to the venue to socialize with the local Chinese medicine practitioners.

At the meeting, Fade did not talk proudly. He started from the realistic current status of Chinese medicine and the problems and solutions encountered in the development. He even discussed some of the problems of Chinese medicine diagnosis in detail. He spoke frankly, but with assurance, and many physicians learned something new that day.

Finally, the meeting ended. Fade waved and left the meeting place amidst three minutes of applause.

Otto and his son, Damian, were busy bidding farewell to the attendees. Hence, the task of sending Fade off was handed to Otto's granddaughter, Hannah.

Hannah had been listening to the meeting and she felt that she had benefited a lot from it. Her admiration for Fade was deepened. As she was sending Fade off, she seemed a little nervous as she walked behind Fade respectfully.

When Fade saw that Hannah was nervous, he stopped his pace and turned his head around and laughed, "Hannah, we met a few days ago. Why are you so afraid of me now? Am I too fierce?"

Hannah shook her head quickly and explained with a blushing face, "No, it's not that. Mr. Chen, I..."


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