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His Stunning Doctor Wife novel Chapter 1033

The eight men were fierce and aggressive. Four of them guarded the front and the back of the car, while the other four surrounded Fade and Lily.

"Get out of the car!" A man shouted coldly.

Fade did not respond. One of them took out a black pistol and shouted louder, "Get out of the car, or I'll shoot!"

Fade's pupils constricted at the sight of the gun. A cold glint flashed in his eyes.

The men were becoming impatient. One of them pointed at Fade's head, and warned sharply, "Get off the car now, or I'll kill you."

Hearing that, a murderous light appeared in Fade's eyes. He could barely stop himself from killing all of them.

Yet, he quickly suppressed his killing intent. He was suddenly reminded of something and walked out of the car, asking, "What do you guys want?"

"We want you to come with us," With that, two of them held down Fade, trying to force him into the black car in front.

On the other hand, another two were about to manhandle Lily.

Seeing that, Fade appeared in a flash next to Lily. He kicked one of them over the railing of the bridge, sending him into the cold seawater below.

Then, he strangled the other man and bellowed coldly, "You better not touch her, or I'll make you regret it."

Fade's sudden movement shocked all of them. They could only watch in stupor, unable to react.

By the time they could point their guns at Fade and Lily nervously, one of their companions was already fish food, and the other was struggling to break free from Fade's grasp.

"Stop! Lay on the ground, or we will shoot," The remaining men shouted, looking extremely tense.

Fade still seemed very calm. He tightened his grip around the man in his hands and managed to render the man unconscious. Then, he tossed the man into the waters nonchalantly.

"You...!" The remaining men were furious to see this happen. They clutched their pistols as they aimed at Fade, determined to shoot him if Fade attacked them.

A flash appeared in Fade's eyes. He smirked and clapped his hands together abruptly before saying stonily, "Is this how your master extends their invitation? You better show me respect, or you'll have to excuse our rudeness."

The men exchanged glances. Their eyes darted back and forth as they glanced at each other. Then, one of them finally said coldly, "Get in the car."

This time, they made sure not to make a move. They watched as Fade and Lily took the initiative to enter their vehicle. It was only then that the men got into the car and began driving.

Sitting in the car, Fade held Lily's hand and comforted her softly, saying, "Lily, don't worry. It'll be okay."

The reason why Fade was so confident was because of his unbeatable and incomparable strength. He knew he didn't need to worry about the men before him. Also, Fade deliberately did not beat them all up because he wanted to see who the mastermind who sent them was.

After all, there was a saying that went, know thy enemy.

Sitting in the back seat, Fade leaned back in his seat and asked aloud, "Who is your master?"

No one responded.

Fade smacked his lips and said, "It's so boring here. Even if you don't tell me now, you'll bring me to your master later. What's the difference?"


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