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His Stunning Doctor Wife novel Chapter 1074

The situation had escalated into something that went beyond the Li family's expectations.

Fade had somehow gotten wind of their plan in advance and had boxed Sasha in before she could leave Jade City.

After a long moment of silence, Fade's eyes narrowed into an icy glare as he did his best to resist the urge to deal Sasha with a deadly blow. He then lifted Sasha by her neck, turning around and prepared to leave with her.

At this moment, a group of security guards gathered at the door; many of them were dressed in plain clothes. By the look of their stances, they looked to be professional warriors.

Dozens of them started to approach Fade in a collective and imposing manner.

"Let go of Miss Sasha!"

"You b*stard, let go of her this instant!"

They yelled as they advanced towards Fade.

Fade merely spared them a menacing glare and growled lowly, "I'm not in the mood to kill anyone today. Leave right now and I'll spare you."

The professional warriors could sense a wave of powerful energy spread through them at Fade's statement, making them tremble.

However, they did not retreat. A burly bald warrior that led the group merely curled his mouth into a grin and stepped up to speak. Cracking his fists, he laughed, "Boy, aren't you being a little bold? As if you could kill us all! In your dreams, kid!"

The other warriors started to laugh along as well.

"B*stard, let go of Miss Sasha right now! We'll let you leave unharmed if you do as we say."

"I can't believe Master Li spent so much money on us to guard against this punk! What a waste of money!"

"That doesn't concern us. As long as we get rid of him, we'll be able to get paid handsomely."

The confidence the group of warriors possessed did not waver in the slightest. They obviously did not take Fade seriously.

The horrified guests in the hall placed all their hopes on these warriors. They hoped that these warriors would be able to take down the vicious Fade.

However, Fade did not look ruffled in the slightest as he spared each of the fighters that surrounded him a fleeting glare. In an icy tone, he threatened once more, "This will be my last warning. Let me leave now, or suffer the consequences."

"You're insane, aren't you?! Faced with so many of us and you're still acting all high and mighty. Well, you've asked for this... "The bald-headed warrior said and instantly advanced towards Fade with a manic grin.

The other warriors behind him followed behind him with a loud battle cry.

A sudden burst of energy could be sensed.

The stone-faced Fade who was still holding Sasha in one hand used his other hand to wave a steam of shining energy blades into existence. With a cold glare, he directed them to pierce into the group of fighters who were rushing towards him.

In an instant, blood splattered all over the hall. Terrified screams sounded one after another as severed limbs were flung around. One of the fighters who had been laughing arrogantly at him just now fell to the ground with a pained yelp and rolled over.

The expensive Persian carpet that covered the entrance of the living hall was completely soaked in blood. It resembled a small river of red in the middle of the hall.

Such a scene made everyone present freeze in fright. Even though they were terrified by the sight, they could not bring themselves to look away.

Sasha, who was still held in Fade's grip could do nothing but watch as the blood from the severed limbs splattered all over her face. She couldn't help but wretch at the stench.


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