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His Stunning Doctor Wife novel Chapter 1079

Fade merely looked at Sasha coldly after her suggestion.

"Don't worry, we'll definitely compensate you handsomely! The Fire Blame Plant bid at an auction for 2 billion Micovia dollars a few years ago. Now, assuming that the price has gone up, we'll pay you 15 billion yuan for all the trouble, alright? It's a lot more than 2 billion Micovia dollars, that's for sure. So, what do you say?"

After she finished speaking, she turned to toss Fade a charming smile, trying to persuade him to take up the offer.

Fade stared back at her impassively and muttered, "Do you know why I hate people like you? Families like yours, in particular?"

"You... Why?" Sasha startled for a moment before she asked.

"Because you're all self- centred and too defiant. People like you always assume what you think is right."

"That's not true! I was just suggesting a win-win solution! It would be good for both of us, you..." Sasha started to defend herself.

"A win-win solution? Are you kidding me? Have you ever thought to ask me about what I think of this solution? Do you honestly think I'm short of money? 15 billion is nothing to me! Do you even know why I want the Fire Blame Plant?!" Fade interrupted her, bellowing in turn.

"I, I don't..." Sasha stuttered.

Fade said coldly, "You don't know anything. You just make a series of decisions on your own, and then euphemistically tell me that it's for my own good!"

"As if it's for my own good! If anything, it's only for your own benefit!"

"You would rather breach the contract and give the Fire Blame Plant to Titan than me just because Titan is deemed the most powerful person in Jade City. All your family wants to do is earn a favor from him! After all, you people think that you won't lose anything by offending me, is that right?"

"It's human nature! Anyone who's been faced with such a situation would do the same! We're all victims of circumstance!" Sasha defended after pausing for a little while.

Fade's eyes narrowed into a harsh glare as he muttered lowly, "Human nature, you say? What a nice way to put it! Well, let me tell you something. No matter your status, once one has made a decision, one has to pay the price of it and suffer the consequences."

"What do you mean by that? What are you planning to do?!" Sasha felt a chill run down her spine at that.

"I have warned your family back then. I said that if you people breach the contract, I'll make you regret it. I will annihilate the Li family in its entirety," Fade replied coldly.

Sasha couldn't help but tremble when she heard the word 'annihilate'. She tried to rationalise with him, "Fade, is a plant really worth such a big fuss? All this for a herb? Isn't it just two billion dollars? We'll just compensate you for it! Why can't you just let this go?"

Sasha's words fuelled Fade's anger. With a menacing glare directed at Sasha, he grabbed her by the front of her dress and lifted her off the ground as he growled out, "You think this is too big of a fuss, do you?!"

"Let me tell you; it is worth the fuss. I don't care what else you have to offer. Even if you offer me Jade City in its entirety, I would still choose the Fire Blame Plant over it! That's how important it is to me!"

"I, I..." Sasha looked at Fade with blood-shot eyes, scared out of her wits.

"I need the Fire Blame Plant to save my wife's life. If anything happens to her, be it the Li family, or the Titan Studio, I will destroy all of you," Fade threatened, his body exuding fierce, murderous intent.

Appalled, Sasha stumbled back a little as Fade let her fall out of his grip. She fell onto the cold stone, trembling in fear and from the sudden coldness that enveloped her. She started to speak, "If it was to save your wife's life, why didn't you just tell us earlier?! We would've...

"Tell you earlier?! I told you that the plant is really important to me! Even so, your family still decided to go back on your words! Even if I had told you people that I needed the plant to save my wife, your family's decision would still be the same! Titan is your priority after all, isn't he?!" Fade sneered.


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