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His Stunning Doctor Wife novel Chapter 1158

At this moment, an elegant middle- aged man about 45 to 46 years old who was sitting on the left of the main seat in the hall coughed softly and asked, "Momo, why don't you introduce the friend you brought back home to us?"

Hearing this, Momo came back to her senses abruptly and nodded to the man, "Yes, Dad. I'll introduce him to you guys right away."

The man who spoke was Ernest Soo, Momo's father. He was also the second son of Egbert, the old master of the Soo family.

Momo's gaze swept over the people in the living hall.

Among them, there was a middle-aged man in his fifties sitting on the main seat. The man looked somewhat alike to Ernest, but his expression was way more serious. Compared to Ernest's calm demeanor, he could be said to be more majestic.

That man was Ernest's eldest brother and Egbert's eldest son, Somoset Soo. Although Egbert was still the head of the Soo family, he was old and did not have much strength to manage many affairs in the family. Therefore, he basically left everything to Somoset.

Hence, it could be said that Somoset was now the head of the Soo family in managing family affairs. Therefore, he was sitting on the main seat at this moment.

A middle-aged woman about 41 to 42 years old was sitting on to the right of Somoset's seat. She had short hair and a straight face, which gave people a sense of hostility.

Fade felt that she looked familiar. That woman was Lyla Soo, Momo's aunt and Egbert's youngest daughter, who he had met back in Bay City before.

Due to the incident that happened in Bay City last time, it was obvious that Lyla had no good expressions of Fade. When she saw Fade's gaze at her, she gave a cold snort, looking very displeased.

The people in the other seats were all relatives of the Soo family. However, they were not the direct descendants of the family, so Fade didn't bother to try to know all of them.

At this moment, after looking around, Momo took a deep breath, then looked at Somoset, who was sitting in the main seat, and introduced, "This is Fade, my boy..."

Momo wanted to say that Fade was her boyfriend.

Right then, Ernest interrupted her, "I know Fade. Momo, he's your friend! You mentioned him to me before and told me that he is a nice young man."

"Dad, this..." Memo's expression was a bit stunned, surprised at his interruption.

Ernest winked at Momo and worded something. He did not make a sound, but Momo and Fade both understood his meaning. "Don't rush!" He mouthed to them.

Momo understood what Ernest meant. He wanted Momo to announce their relationship gradually after Fade was acquainted with everyone instead of announcing his identity as her boyfriend right from the beginning. This would also help to facilitate the problem of her arranged marriage later on.

Therefore, Momo re- introduced Fade to them, "Fade is a good friend of mine. I invited him to our house as a guest this time. I hope that..."

Before Momo could finish speaking, she was interrupted again.

However, it was not Ernest who interrupted this time, but Yuki who walked in.

Yuki asked in a taunting manner, "Momo, didn't you say that Fade was your boyfriend when we were outside just now? Why don't you admit it now?"


Hearing the word "boyfriend", there was an uproar at the scene as all the Soo family members erupted into heated discussion.


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