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His Stunning Doctor Wife novel Chapter 1272

However, Fade looked calm. His gaze swept over the crowd at the door and fell on Cabrio. "What's the matter? Can you tell me now?" He asked.

Cabrio shot a glance at Fenoli. Seeing that, Fenoli immediately stepped out and threw a questioning look at Fade, "You have expelled my son from Capital University. I need an explanation for this!"

"Explain?" Fade said, "Faber did not abide by the school rules. He publicly disrupted the order of the class and was disrespectful to the teacher so I expelled him!"

"That's..." Fenoli's face darkened. He glared at Fade and said, "That's such a small thing. It's a little unreasonable for you to expel Faber for such a small thing!"

Cabrio also added, "Mr. Chen, according to the school rules, his actions that you have just mentioned warranted at most, a warning. You are actually violating the rules by expelling him."

"Really? I violated the rules?" Fade asked indifferently, "But, so what?"

Hearing this, everyone's face changed. Their expressions revealed surprise as they stared at Fade in disbelief. They never thought that Fade would publicly say such a thing.

Fenoli asked in a deep voice, "Mr. Chen, do you know what you are talking about?"

Although Cabrio had put on a serious face, there was actually an unconcealable smile hidden under it. He barked at Fade, "Fade, watch your attitude now!"

The rest of the school leaders behind him also echoed one after another.

"How did this kind of person become a teacher? This is absolutely unacceptable."

"He violated the school rules and privately punished the students. Worse, he still doesn't admit his mistake and has a bad attitude about it. Such a person should be fired from Capital University."

"I don't know how the personnel department of the school went about with the recruitment and why they have hired such people."

The group of people did not stop hurling their remarks at Fade as if they were trying to drive him away from this place altogether.

Fade did not care at all and said faintly, "If you want to fire me, go ahead, as long as you can do it!"

"Fade Chen, you're too arrogant." Cabrio barked through clenched teeth.

The faces of some of the other school leaders were also burning with anger at this moment as they fished out their mobile phones, one after another.

"I'm Chris He. Please ask Jude from the personnel department to come here."

"I'm Archie Han. Please bring the people here right now."

Amidst the racket, Fade looked at his watch and said lightly, "There are still eight minutes left. The next class is about to begin. You all should hurry up!"

Everyone was glowering with anger when they heard this and turned to glare at Fade.

Fendi's face was full of displeasure. He gritted his teeth and said in a deep voice, "This kid is too arrogant."

Faber's face also added resentfully, "Dad, you must help me to teach this guy a lesson. Otherwise, I can't stand this humiliation."

Soon, another group of people arrived at the classroom's door. They were immediately reprimanded by the group of school leaders who came earlier. "Who recruited him? Why is the review process so lax that even a person with such an attitude is recruited into the school?"

Facing the leaders' queries, Jude, who was from the personnel department was also bewildered at the moment. Pulling a glum face, she explained, "Chris, Archie, I.. I don't know about this matter either."

"How do you not know anything considering that he is recruited by the personnel department? How did you do your work?" The leader scolded him.

Judy could only continue to defend herself, "He was not recruited by our personnel department. I also don't know him."

"How could it be? Other than the personnel department, who else can perform the recruitment for the school?" Some of the leaders asked incredulously.

With a dejected face, Jude looked through all kinds of records. According to the records, Fade was registered directly into the personnel system of the university. He did not go through the recruitment program of the personnel department at all.

Only then did most of the leaders finally believe in Jude's words.

However, they all frowned in puzzlement afterwards and asked, "So, how did he get in and become a teacher here if it's not you who recruited him?"


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