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His Stunning Doctor Wife novel Chapter 1462

Fade's face suddenly turned livid. He sped up and ran forward.

Not long after, a small stone room appeared before him again, and it seemed similar to the first stage. On the stone wall, there were also arched runes on it, and it had complicated patterns on it.

"This is the second stage." When he saw this, Fade's heart jolted. He immediately began to observe the runes, trying to figure it out.

About a minute later, his eyes lit up. He immediately concentrated his positive energy, and surged it into the stone wall outlining the runes.

Soon, the runes lit up and formed a unique pattern. He had bypassed this stage, and the stone door opened with a rumble.

Without any hesitation, he sprinted into the passage behind the stone gate.

After a short distance, there were some weapons and herbs as rewards. Fade glanced at it and took all the things that he felt would be beneficial to him, and put them into his bag. Then, continued to proceed to the next stage.

However, when he came to the third stage, he heard the machine sound echo again, reminding him that someone else had already gotten through the third stage.

After a slight pause, he immediately started observing the runes, trying to figure it out again. A moment later, he figured it out and proceeded to the next stage.

With this, he continued to bypass the stages, and went to pick up the rewards then proceeded to the following stages.

Each stage was more difficult than the previous one, but for Fade, it was not a big problem. After giving it some thought, he could successfully bypass all of them.

However, even though he did not have a problem figuring out the runes on the wall, he kept hearing the sounds of machines echoing, and this meant that someone was bypassing all these stages faster than him.

However, Fade was not anxious, because at this moment he had already broken through the fifth stage. Although he was still lagging behind that guy, the gap between the two was getting smaller.

After breaking through the fifth stage, the machinery sound rang out again in less than one minute.

Moreover, the formation of the fifth stage was already very complicated. Fade also pondered for more than ten minutes before he could figure it out. The remaining four stages would only become more and more complicated, and by then, Fade would be able to catch up to that guy.

In this regard, he was very confident. After all, his knowledge in runes had been taught to him by the old fogey of Tianwu Mountain. Aldred bragged about how good he was in runes, and there were no runes he couldn't solve.

Although he was not someone reliable, Fade had never doubted him.

He sprinted along the passage, and finally came to the entrance of the sixth stage. He was fired up and he wanted to break through this as soon as possible.

However, at this very moment, the mechanical sound echoed again, "Someone has bypassed the sixth stage, and there are still three more stages before they reach the Dragon Mausoleum's treasure."

Upon hearing the announcement, Fade couldn't help but tremble. His pupils contracted, and he looked puzzled.

Judging from the speed of them breaking through the stages, even though that guy seemed very skilled, Fade should be more skilled. Otherwise, how would he have closed in the gap?

However, in the sixth test, Fade was taken aback by how fast the other guy bypassed it.

He quickly regained his composure. He quickly concentrated on the runes and began to study it.

This time, when he saw the patterns on the sixth stone wall, he was taken aback.


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