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His Stunning Doctor Wife novel Chapter 1514

"Yes, that's right. Hailey, tell me what happened," Clara urged as she looked at Hailey.

Hailey frowned before she started in a low voice, "It happened a few days ago. Back then, I was doing business at the bar..."

After listening to Hailey's description of what had went down, they understood what had happened.

It turned out that Hailey had opened a bar called "Forest Bar" in Southzobe City. The decorations looked fresh, the quality of the bar was great, and there was also a beautiful boss like Hailey.

The Forest Bar was quite famous in Southzobe City. Usually, beautiful girls, internet celebrities, influencers, and even some low- profile stars would occasionally visit the Forest Bar to have some drinks and let loose.

In addition to that, Hailey would also invite some folk singers and campus bands to perform at the bar from time to time. Forest Bar was also a well-known bar in the literary circle of Southzobe City.

Moreover, because of her family background, Hailey didn't have to worry about the bar being profitable at all. It was just a good place for people to have fun and socialize.

Several days ago, a group of customers suddenly visited the bar. They were all extravagantly dressed, and talked lavishly. It was obvious that they were from rich families.

Originally, Hailey didn't like serving people from rich families like them. However, when she saw that the person who led them in was Young Master Mandell from the Xu family, she knew that she couldn't afford to offend him. Thus, she welcomed them into the bar.

In the beginning, Mandell and his friends ate, drank and played. Although they were a little noisy, they were still restrained. However, when they had too much to drink, they grew too noisy.

At first, they wanted girls to accompany them, but Hailey kept explaining that her bar didn't have this service. In the end, they started making a fuss about it, and said that if there weren't any girls, then Hailey as the boss should personally come accompany them and drink with them.

Although she was reluctant, Hailey was still afraid of Mandell, so she went over and had three rounds of drinks with them.

She had thought that she would be able to escape after drinking with them, but what she didn't expect was that this group of people kept asking for more. After drinking with them, they pulled Hailey and requested for her to chat with them.

Besides, they were constantly touching her. It was obvious that they wanted to take advantage of her.

This had already crossed Hailey's bottom line. Of course, she wouldn't agree to it. She rejected Mandell and the others' requests with a righteous tone.

As a result, Mandell got upset. After a series of temptations and threats, Hailey still refused to obey. Immediately, Mandell, who was angry from the embarrassment, started to attack Hailey.

Although there was a team of professional security guards in the Forest Bar, they dared not do anything to Mandell.

Thus, Hailey was beaten up badly by Mandell and the others, and then they just left.

After listening to the whole story, everyone's expressions were grim, and it was obvious that they were very angry.

Clara could not help but stand up as she exclaimed, "They've gone too far. That's ridiculous. Even if he's Mandell Xu, he can't just bully others like that. You must seek justice for this matter. You must teach him a lesson."

Joey was also enraged as she agreed with a frown, "She's right. He has gone too far, he must be taught a lesson."

Moore nodded to Joey's words as well, supporting his daughter's opinion.

On the other hand, Fade remarked, "It was Mandell who was in the wrong. He should apologize and take responsibility for it."

However, both Hailey and her parents were worried. "But he's from the Xu family, we..."


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