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His Stunning Doctor Wife novel Chapter 176

"Huh?" After hearing this, Fade Chen was stunned, his mind was processing what he just heard.

"Since you dropped your clothes, you should have no problems picking them up, there's no need to ask me for my help! Unless..."

As he was thinking about the possibilities, Fade Chen felt himself getting hotter and his eyes became redder.

Momo Soo's voice broke his train of thoughts. "Brother- in- law, my clothes have drifted to your side. Did you see it?"

"Huh..." Fade Chen looked down and saw a small pink garment bobbing up and down along with the flow of water. It had seemingly floated through the gap under the wooden fence on the left side to his side.

Seeing this, Fade Chen only realized that the man and the woman's hot spring were originally one. But now, a wooden railing was built in the middle, dividing and separating them into two hot springs.

"Brother- in- law, did you see it?" Momo Soo didn't get any reply from Fade Chen and asked again.

Fade Chen snapped out of his trance and replied, "Yes, I did."

Immediately, he walked to the left side of his area and picked up the pink garment. Fade Chen couldn't help but feel the fabric of the garment, gently rubbing them a few times. Indeed, it was premium quality.

"Brother- in- law, can you return me my clothes." Momo Soo reminded him again.

Fade Chen was startled by her voice. He coughed and said, "How can I pass it to you? Why don't I throw it over."

"Brother- in- law, please don't..." Momo Soo panicked. "It'll be bad if you throw it out of the hot spring and it becomes dirty."

"Well, then how am I supposed to pass it to you?" Fade Chen murmured but his mind was already drifting to wild thoughts. "Maybe Momo wants me to pass it to her in person, but doesn't that mean..."

"Brother-in-law, you, you can sneak it under the wooden fence to me." While Fade Chen was still imagining the possibilities, Momo Soo's voice had interrupted his thoughts again.

Fade Chen slapped his head, trying to force himself out of his silly thoughts. Since the clothes had slipped in through the gap from the women's side, he could naturally do so from his side as well.

So, Fade Chen answered, "Well, you can come near the wooden fence to pick it up."

The sound of moving water from the other side could be heard, signalling somebody was approaching the wooden fence. Through the gap of the fence, he faintly saw a slim figure. "Brother-in-law, I'm here. Are you here?" "Yes, I'm here!" Fade Chen replied quickly. Then, he squeezed her clothes through the crack. "Momo, do you see it?"

"Huh, I didn't see anything." Momo Soo said.

Fade Chen took a closer look and found that in order to avoid peeping toms, two wooden railings were built in the middle of the fences. There were still some distance before he could reach the other side of the fence, so just using an arm wasn't enough.

"This wooden fence has two layers, so my hand is not long enough. You should come closer and reach out your hand to catch it," Fade Chen said. He had practically glued himself to the fence, struggling to extend his arm to reach her.

On top of that, the gap size was already quite small. Fade Chen had difficulty in squeezing his arm through, and was currently pushing forward whatever length of his arm he could fit in there by force.

He was already at his limit, his arm turning red from the lack of blood circulation in the tight space. He asked, "Momo, can you reach my hand?"

The figure on the other side of the wooden fence shifted a little, then came Momo Soo's voice again. "Brother- in- law, I can feel my clothes, but I still can't grab it, can you stretch even further?"

"Okay, let me try!" Fade Chen could only grit his teeth and stretched even more.

He increased his strength and finally managed to squeeze his whole arm through, his whole arm turning as red as a lobster from the force. On the other side, Momo Soo sounded pleasantly surprised, "Brother-in-law, I can finally touch it."

"Great, I..." Fade Chen said as he loosened his grip, trying to hand the undergarments to Momo Soo.

Unfortunately, in that split second, the wooden fence cracked loudly as it couldn't handle Fade Chen's strength, splitting clean in the middle.


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