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His Stunning Doctor Wife novel Chapter 1787

"For what?" Fade shouted coldly. He then continued in a harsh voice, "Because I was a criminal arrested by the police or because of those so-called improper behavior?"

"Let me ask you, as a well-known university in the country, with just a few words from Anatasia, you condemned my sister without investigation and expelled her! Who gave you the guts to act like that?"

Facing Fade's question, Alexis' face sank. He wanted to explain but couldn't do so.

At this time, Tancred stood out, "Mr. Chen, the expulsion was a request from us parents. We don't want our children studying in the same environment as a student with a notorious reputation. This is our wish as parents."

"Haha, notorious reputation?" Fade sneered before looking at Anatasia, "If we were to discuss a notorious reputation, I believe it suits your daughter more!"

With that, he took out his phone and connected it to the screen. Pictures began emerging on the screen.

The scenes were of Anatasia fooling around with various men before she rose to stardom. The scenes were on a much larger scale compared to Shinnie's so-called evidence.

When the students saw their goddess, Anatasia, being taken advantage of by fat, disgusting, middle- aged men, their expressions froze in place.

Anatasia was also stunned before she started screaming hysterically, "Turn it off. Turn it off now. It's fake. All of this is fake."

Tancred also shouted in a low voice, "Mr. Chen, your actions have violated my daughter's privacy and reputation rights. I'll file a lawsuit against you."

"Please do!" Fade said coldly. He didn't take Tancred's threat seriously at all.

Then, he looked at the university leaders and spoke coldly, "Dear leaders, now that you've seen Anatasia's lifestyle, don't you think you should expel her too?"

"This, this..." Alexis' expression was unpleasant, and he could only come up with an excuse, "The contents of the video are yet to be verified on their authenticity. We... We need further investigation to verify it."

"Haha, what a need to investigate. This is cold hard evidence, but there's a need to investigate because it's related to Anatasia Chiang. Whereas you expel Shinnie over that so-called evidence."

"Only now do I understand how East Coast University works. Money makes the world go around, and the other poor people should scram. I didn't make a mistake, did I? Principal Liu!" Fade bellowed.

His speech made the students indignant and agitated. Their shouts started to ring throughout the whole stadium.

"We need an explanation."

"The university isn't a property of the rich. We need justice."

"Apologize to Shinnie! Apologize to Shinnie!"

"Expel Anatasia!"

In the face of such strong protests, Alexis and the university leaders chose not to speak and stood firm in their decision.

When he saw this, Fade snorted coldly and spoke sarcastically, "It seems that the East Coast University is willing to be dogs as the Chiang family is rich and powerful. Haha!"

"Next, I'll let you know how ignorant you are!" Fade scoffed before calling out loudly, "It's time to

come out."

Upon hearing his words, everyone was curious, and they all looked around, wanting to know who he was calling.

Under the curious eyes of the crowd, a well dressed man in a suit walked onto the stage to Shinnie and greeted her, "Miss Sun, this is the agreement for our partnership with the Sun family. Your father gave us instructions to pass the document to you."

"Who is that? A partnership with the Sun family? Can it be that the Sun family also manages business?"


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