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His Stunning Doctor Wife novel Chapter 1822

At the sight of such movements, the crowd could not help but show curiosity.

On the other hand, the fire around the altar started to burn vigorously. Some of the people started to feel uncomfortable and it started to get slightly chaotic.

Upon seeing this, Dharma Dahnbar shouted, "This is the test that all of you will need to go through. If you fail, there's no need to continue with the apprenticeship."

Upon hearing this, the commotion on the altar significantly subsided.

After all, everyone present was at least of the Yellow Level. Even though they were not as strong, most of them were still able to withstand the heat. Moreover, they were still on the path of wanting to be disciples of Dharma Dahnbar in their hearts. Hence, they knew that they needed to withstand this great trial in order to not lose this rare opportunity.

As they thought of this, Fade's expression turned even darker.

The actions of Dharma Dahnbar and the rest of the Tsochins seemingly became more suspicious as the worry in his heart grew. He was afraid that Dharma Motkha's words about the sacrifice were becoming true.

As soon as Fade was thinking, Heidey stared at the busy monks below. All of a sudden, she thought of something and said, "I know, I know something."

"What do you know?" He asked.

She pointed at the sand painting below and said, "I know what they are doing."

"What are they doing?" Gorvyn couldn't help but ask.

She replied, "They're building the Mandala."

"The Mandala? What's that? It's obviously just a drawing. How are they going to build the Mandala?" Gorvyn asked in confusion.

Heidey explained, "Mandala is a term in Buddhist teachings. Legends say that it's a place in the skies where the gods live. According to Buddhist tradition, on a crucial day every year, different colored sand made from plants will be used to form living spaces for the gods, which is the Mandala."

"As soon as the Mandala is complete, the monks will then immediately destroy it. This is according to the Buddhist saying, 'to see the world with a grain of sand, to view the world for eternity', which represents being able to view the Zen of the gods and Buddhas," Heidey continued.

"Building it wasn't easy at all. Why would they immediately destroy it afterwards? What is the meaning of it then? Doing it for fun?" Gorvyn couldn't help but roll his eyes.

At that moment, Heidey's words suddenly made Fade think of something. He looked down at the formation of the Mandala with a trace of worry in his eyes.

At that moment, as Dharma Dahnbar sprinkled the last of the white sand. Cries of cheers followed as soon as the Mandala was done.

With its completion, the monks abruptly waved each of their sleeves and jumped into the Mandala that was just finished. Then, they swept it all away with their might, causing the exquisite Mandala to disappear within seconds.

Such a scene made the people on the altar sigh in sorrow.

"What are they doing? It took them so much effort to draw it, but now it's ruined!"

"Was it just to waste their efforts?"

"I don't understand. What kind of ceremony is this?"

"Stop talking, it doesn't matter what ceremony is this as long as he accepts us as his disciples."

At that moment, the monks who destroyed the Mandala, picked up the sand from the ground and sprinkled it directly onto the altar, hitting the crowds of people during the process.

Just before the crowd could react, another monk rushed over with several jars in his hands and began to pour them on the altar.


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