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His Stunning Doctor Wife novel Chapter 1829

Their initial purpose of coming from all over the world to Namuchia Lake was to obtain medical herbs. They even wanted to enhance their power and return to be accepted by their local clan.

If that was the case, Fade intended to give them each a bottle of Sacred Water to not only improve their body strength but to enhance their skills as well.

As soon as they return home, people by their side would definitely see the results and word would definitely start to spread.

After all, an infamous but unidentified herb from Namuchia had already attracted so many people from all over the world. They would even spend a fortune just to find one medical herb.

With Fade's Sacred Water having such an extraordinary effect, it would definitely attract the attention of many more people.

As soon as that happened, this Sacred Water of his would definitely blow up with another wave of news.

For example, a common boy from a small city had his strength increased by leaps and bounds after drinking Sacred Water. As soon as he was accepted by a Heaven level clan to be a disciple, he was ecstatic.

Another example was the genius from the Hsiao family who was abandoned because of his injuries and was rejected at a wedding. His wounds healed and his passion reignited after drinking Sacred Water; no one dared to bully him anymore.

As soon as everything was confirmed, Sacred Water Company was immediately opened for business and the production for Sacred Water began.

As these young nobles started to head home, the name of Sacred Water would definitely begin to ring throughout the country.

As Fade realized that everything was right on track, he then started his trip to return home.

As for the operation of Sacred Water Company, Lily had already sent professionals to take over. Additionally, with the support of Dharma Motkha as a local esteemed individual, there wouldn't be much to worry about the regular operations.

Fade took the Nine- star Root to Capital City and properly blended the medicine for Joey. Then, he helped her with the internal healing of her wounds.

Soon after that, he returned to East Coast. As soon as the plane landed, he felt that the atmosphere here seemed to be slightly different. The number of martial artists at the airport had certainly increased alongside the number of foreigners.

"Could this be about the news of clans accepting disciples?" He pondered on the situation but didn't think too much about it. Instead, he immediately headed to the University of Technology East Coast.

As soon as Shinnie left East Coast University, she transferred over to the nearby University of Technology East Coast to continue her studies.

This time around, Fade seemed to have been away for quite a period. Now that he had returned, he was prepared to bring Shinnie and a few other close friends out for a meal.

As compared with the fully-established University East Coast, the campus grounds of the University of Technology East Coast seemed to be smaller. However, the earnest academic atmosphere was indeed saturated. As he walked along the campus roads, there were many students with their noses in their books and they all seemed hardworking and eager.

Upon reaching the right building, Fade waited for the students to finish their classes.

After approximately fifteen minutes, the bell rang as the class ended. At that moment, students began to pour out into the hallway.

Fade's eyes searched the crowd but he couldn't find any trace of Shinnie.

"Why can't I see this girl? Is she being punished by her lecturer?" He thought to himself.

As he pondered about it, he waited for a few more minutes. Even when most of the students had already left, Shinnie had yet to be seen.

At that moment, Fade couldn't help but feel a little worried. "I called Shinnie in advance. She shouldn't have forgotten!" He thought to himself.

He then entered the building and started to search for her in each classroom.

After searching two floors, he went up to the third floor. As he was searching the classrooms, he heard a sharp scream coming from a girl. It was Shinnie.

His expression darkened, and he immediately increased his speed towards the source of the sound.

Shinnie was carrying her school bag as she stood at the entrance of the classroom at the end of the corridor. Her path was blocked by a tall, sturdy guy.


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