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His Stunning Doctor Wife novel Chapter 1892

Even though the three of them were attacking him at the same time, Fade showed no fear at all and faced them head-on.

Instantly, several waves of positive vital energy exploded on the scene. The explosion stirred up waves of air, shaking the entire ground.

The water in Namuchia Lake roared in waves. Wave after wave rose from the lake from the colliding and exploding of the bursts of energy, creating a water fountain in the air.

Everyone was astonished to see this but at the same time, they were worried about Fade.

The audiences at the site and online felt as if their heart was hanging in the air.

"If the three of them work together, is Fade going to lose?"

"Mr. Chen just killed Adame just now. He must be stronger than them. He'll definitely win."

"But the opponents are a team of three and Mr. Chen is only one person!"

"Foreign martial artists have invaded our country. What about our local martial artists? Why is no one coming to help?"

"Right? When Mr. Chen disappeared, everyone else was actively trying to snatch his things, but when he is facing an enemy, they disappeared."

"Could it be that the martial artists in our country only fight with their own people?"

"Isn't there a Martial Arts League or the Clan Committee? Didn't they say they're an official organization for martial artists? Why don't they show up now?"

There were questions and dissatisfaction on the Internet. Meanwhile, Sabriel and Irfan, who were members of the Clan Committee, were using their mobile phones to report the situation on the spot.

After some short communication, Sabriel said, "Got it. Please rest assured, vice president. I'll handle this properly."

"I won't let him do anything that will disrupt the relationship between the local and foreign martial artists."

"I will complete the task."

After hanging up the phone, Sabriel looked at the four of them who were in the middle of chaos. A glimpse of fierceness showed up in his eyes.

Meanwhile, Fade had a general idea of their strength from fighting with them.

"Boom!" He shot out a stream of energy which pushed the three of them backward. He then snorted coldly and said, "Is this it? Your capability? If this is it, then don't waste time and prepare to die!"

"Arrogant fellow, you are asking for death!" Crusian, who was holding onto the huge stone hammer, spoke with an extremely cold expression on his face.

Eve, who had flaming red lips, had a face filled with hatred. She glared fiercely at Fade and gritted her teeth. "I'm going to kill you to avenge Adame."

Serpent remained silent, but he was moving extremely fast. He took the lead in attacking Fade.

He pulled out a fist-sized jar from his pocket and threw it at Fade.

Fade then snorted while blowing out a stream of energy which smashed the jar into pieces.

However, after the jar blew up, a ball of grayish-green powder spilled out from the inside.

Following the explosion, the powder filled the air and enveloped Fade.

In the blink of an eye, he was entirely enveloped by the powder.

Meanwhile, the audience at the scene also noticed something unusual. When they smelled the unpleasant scent, their faces changed dramatically and they turned their heads and ran away.

"The powder is poisonous!"

"Run! The powder is coming here."

"This smell, I can't..."


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