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His Stunning Doctor Wife novel Chapter 1922

At that time, not long after Fade arrived in the capital, he had conflicts with Szeto Academy because of Jasmine's incident. He rescued her and then subdued them.

Over the past year, led by Kaeran, Szeto Academy secretly did a lot of things for Fade. They were his men.

Moreover, Szeto Academy was an Earth-level clan of Thousand Star Academy. It was established in Capital City to investigate the Dragon Mausoleum.

Ordinary people didn't dare nor have the ability to provoke the powerful Szeto Academy, but now, it had been attacked, and someone was even sent to chase after and kill Kaeran. Fade was really surprised.

"Who is it? How dare he chase after Kaeran?" Fade asked.

The man shook his head and said, "1-1 don't know, but I heard my master mention Thousand Star Academy. It seems to be very powerful..."

"Thousand Star Academy!" Fade's heart was shocked. He immediately thought of something. Without wasting time, he immediately set off. "I'll go and take a look!"

Then, a strong wind blew through the venue. Fade's figure turned into a shadow and he disappeared right away.

At such a speed, the martial artists at the scene were once again shocked.

The rest of the people couldn't help discussing in low voices at this moment.

"I know Szeto Academy. I've also dealt with Kaeran. How could someone be chasing after him?"

"Thousand Star Academy has also been implicated in this matter. Could it be that something big is going on?"

"Master Chen wouldn't have a conflict with Thousand Star Academy, would he?"

Amidst the discussions, Emmit and Yonda's eyes lit up when they heard this. They looked at each other and thought of something at the same time.

Then, they started to move as well.

"Let's go and have a look too!"

With the departure of Emmit, many other martial artists also departed and followed behind.

Consequently, the commoners of the capital saw a surprising scene.

More than a hundred martial artists rushed out of the venue at the same time and ran in one direction.

At this moment, in Szeto Academy, Kaeran was lying in a battered state in the hall, his body covered in wounds. He was surrounded by shattered furniture, and the ground was stained with a lot of blood.

Opposite him stood a 70- year- old elder in a grayish-brown robe and a crown.

The elder had a beard and was dressed like an ancient scholar, but at that moment, the expression on his face was deadly and angry.

From above, he looked down at Kaeran, who was lying in a pool of blood. He said coldly, "Kaeran, how dare you betray Thousand Star Academy! From the moment you betrayed us, you should have known what would happen!"

Kaeran spat out a mouthful of blood and looked at the old man. "Elder Kahale, I-1 didn't betray the Academy!"

"You're still quibbling!" Kahale bellowed, his eyes full of anger. He glared at Kaeran and said, "Szeto Academy was established by Thousand Star Academy, but you're secretly working for Fade. If this isn't betrayal, then what is it?"

Kaeran's expression changed and he quickly explained, "Elder Kahale, I have indeed done something for Fade, but there is also a reason behind it. However, I have never wronged Thousand Star Academy."

"I beg of you, Elder Kahale, for the sake of my many years of contribution to the Academy, and for the sake of my hard work, spare my life."

Kahale shook his head and said coldly, "You traitor, there's no room for quibbling. Death is your only option!"

"Please, don't..." Kaeran hurriedly shouted.

Kahale remained unmoved and raised his right hand. A burst of energy broke through the air and shot towards Kaeran's heart.


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