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His Stunning Doctor Wife novel Chapter 1958

Amidst all the discussions, Langham suddenly clapped his hands and stated in a low voice, "No, Fade will participate in the competition."

As soon as these words were said, everyone in the Lu family paused. They looked at him in surprise.

"Old Master, that's impossible!"

"Could it be that, Master, you've received some news?"

"With Fade's current situation, it's impossible for him to participate in the competition. Even if he does participate, I'm afraid that he won't be able to pass the first round!"

However, Langham returned firmly, "I've said that Fade will participate in the competition regardless of whether he likes it or not."

Many of the Lu family members fell into confusion upon hearing his words.

Just then, Emmit seemed to have thought of something as he turned to Langham. "Old Master, do you mean that..."

Langham waved his hand and replied, "There's no need to say it out loud. Just go help."

"Yes!" Emmit nodded at once and left with a smirk on his face.

Shortly, another piece of news suddenly appeared amidst the heated discussions online.

In the news, it stated that Master Fade, who had been seriously injured, was neither afraid of rumors, pain nor his opponents. He would definitely continue to participate in the preliminaries.

As soon as the rumor came out, it caused another round of debate on the Internet again.

Many netizens admired his will and determination, and supported him.

Some people were worried that he was actually trying too hard, and was pushing his limits, which would not be good for his health. They begged him to take a good rest and give up on the competition.

In the beginning, almost half of the people who held different views discussed it with each other. Later, a large number of netizens suddenly popped up from nowhere.

They began to flatter Master Chen for his courage and determination to enter the competition regardless of his injuries. The anonymous group of people elaborated on the great significance of Master Chen's actions to the martial arts world, and praised him for his unyielding determination.

All kinds of flattery put him on a pedestal of being a saint who had fought hard.

Perhaps ordinary netizens might not have noticed anything, but several observant people in the martial arts world had vaguely noticed something unusual going on behind the scenes.

Joey's face was clouded with anger when she saw the news. "Just who are these people talking nonsense on the Internet? They're deliberately praising you."

Fade narrowed his eyes and began to think.

Moore's expression was grim as he remarked, "There's someone doing this on purpose, to worsen the situation for Fade!"

"Now, they have made such a big fuss about it. If Fade can't participate in the competition when it begins, it will be a huge blow to his reputation."

"And if he insists on participating, with his current physical condition, I am afraid that he will be defeated or even be in danger," Moore stated as a matter of fact.

"Dad, the danger you're talking about is the Lu family and Thousand Star Academy..." Joey thought of something.

Moore nodded and continued, "When the time comes, if they send out their disciples to fight Fade, they will attack him fiercely right from the start. I'm afraid that the result would be..."

Upon hearing this, Joey's face turned pale and she looked a little worried. She quickly suggested, "Then we must act quickly and clarify the news. Just tell them that my brother doesn't want to participate in the preliminaries."

Moore nodded and agreed with her suggestion.

However, at this moment, Fade, who was lying on the bed, shook his head and said, "There's no need."

"But Fade, it's obvious that someone is deliberately making trouble for you!" Joey insisted anxiously.


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