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His Stunning Doctor Wife novel Chapter 2046

At the same time, Fade and the team, who were sitting in the helicopter, didn't know about Galeno and Gregary's worries at all.

On the contrary, at this moment, all of them appeared to be relaxed, as if they were enjoying a vacation.

After flying for four hours, the helicopter finally landed on a fishing ship.

The captain welcomed Fade and his men seriously and explained the current situation to them in detail. The fishing ship couldn't get close to the drilling platform because the terrorists had hostages.

The members of the small team would quietly approach the drilling platform during the night, then try to kill the terrorists and rescue the hostages.

After the introduction, the captain took Fade and the others to the equipment room and asked them to pick their own weapons.

Fade and the others were basically martial artists from martial arts clans. Other than Tiger, they were not familiar with the usage of thermal weapons, so they each just casually picked a pistol.

Moreover, for the members of the team who had basically reached the middle stage of the Heaven Level, ordinary pistol bullets, and even rifle bullets couldn't break through their defenses.

Therefore, thermal weapons were of little importance to them.

After they had chosen their weapons, the captain asked Fade and the others to rest in the cabin while waiting for night to fall.

In the cabin, Halston and the others didn't feel sleepy at all. On the contrary, they started chatting and laughing.

"This special training mission is really made to be realistic this time!"

"However, I suspect that after spending so much effort, and using so many people and equipment, the outcome of the training won't be too great, will it?"

"If we didn't guess it, we might still be able to learn something. However, now, we have all guessed their purpose. I don't think we can count on training outcomes. We'd better perform well and try to show off!"

"That's true. Ever since I came down from the mountain, I've not had the chance to show off my skills. This time, I must show them what I'm capable of." "Me too. I've heard that there are people in the army who are unhappy with us for being able to obtain so many spots. They are doubtful of the strength of the Heaven Level disciples."

Fade did not participate in the conversation with Halston and the others. Instead, he closed his eyes and began to ponder.

The more he pondered, the stranger he felt. If the task this time was really just a special training, then 6 reg ary and the others' preparations were too rough. They were so easily seen through, which might not achieve the outcome of the special training.

Could it be that the superiors had other arrangements?

Although he vaguely felt that something was wrong, Fade could not think of what it was. Finally, he could only warn himself, Joey, and Tiger that they should be more careful when they take action and that they should not be careless.

In the middle of the night, the captain came over to wake Fade and his team.

The group gathered on the deck.

Looking at the vast sea and the bright moon above the sea, Kaegan and the others, who rarely saw the sea, could not help but take a few more glances at it and enjoy the rare beautiful scenery.

The captain frowned slightly when he saw this, but he didn't say anything more. He explained the mission according to the procedure and then ordered Fade and the others to go.

A small boat was lowered from the ship. Fade and the others got onto it and started the boat to get close to the drilling platform.

The small boat sailed on the calm sea for an hour. They could see that faintly on the surface of the sea, which was as dark as ink, there were specks of light that outlined a sharp rectangular boat.


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