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His Stunning Doctor Wife novel Chapter 2061

Fade and Joey's cheeks were slightly flushed from tipsiness as they returned home.

As soon as they entered the door, they saw two figures quickly coming over, "Mr. Chen, you're back."

Fade took a step back and frowned slightly, "Who are you and what do you want?"

Both figures hurriedly walked out. One of them said, "Mr. Chen, it's me, Shelby Tuan from Tuan Engineering!"

The young woman beside Shelby continued with a gloomy face, "Mr. Chen, I'm Judy Tuan."

Fade glanced at both of them and his eyes turned cold as he said in a harsh voice, "What brings you here?"

Shelby's face was full of anxiety. "Please, Mr. Chen, save us. Save the Tuan family," he pleaded.

At the same time, Judy handed over an exquisite gift box.

Fade frowned. He didn't accept the gift box but said coldly, "Save you? I don't understand what you're talking about."

Shelby's expression changed and he said in a low voice, "Mr. Chen, Tuan Engineering had a collaboration with Fei Shipping Company on the three cargo ships. Due to the Long family, we..."

With that, Fade immediately understood what was going on.

Judy was engaged to Tarlo, and both the Tuan family and the Long family were well-connected. Therefore, they purposely breached the contract with Fei Shipping Company and sold the ships to foreigners.

The Tuan family's initial plan was to take this opportunity to please the Long family for their own future benefits and development.

However, they didn't expect that the Long family would cause a rebellion. Even worse, they failed and the whole family was destroyed. The Tuan family had hence suffered a great loss. Now that the Long family was gone, they could only endure it with dogged will.

Still, that wasn't the worst part. The worst was that the three cargo ships that they had breached the contract for had appeared on the rebellion scene, and they had been used by the Long family as the major mode of transportation and as weapons.

Sure enough, it became a big deal.

Currently, the superiors had closed down the factories related to the Long family for an investigation.

Shelby understood the seriousness of the matter and the consequences it would bring. Therefore, he was trying to use his connections to downplay this matter before the higher authorities came to arrest him.

However, everyone kicked a man when he's down. With such a terrible incident that had occurred, no one was willing to stand up for the Tuan family.

Fade was his last resort. He had no choice but to bring his daughter along to apologize for the past and ask for help.

"Mr. Chen, you know, those three cargo ships were originally for Fei Shipping Company. We didn't have any attention to go against you nor be involved in the Long family's rebellion. If you can testify for us on this matter...." Shelby said.

Fade snorted and stopped him, "Really? I recall that you personally told me in your office a few days ago that the cargo ships were not for sale to us but to the foreigners."

"How should I testify for you in this case?"

"Mr. Chen, it's a misunderstanding." Shelby explained hurriedly, "We were deceived by the Long family at that time. We only sold the cargo ships to the foreigners for their sake. We didn't expect that they would commit this kind of outrageous act. The Tuan family is also a victim!"

"So what? Does it have anything to do with me?" Fade asked coldly.


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