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His Stunning Doctor Wife novel Chapter 2261

The dense trees and steep mountain roads didn't pose any obstacles to Fade. He swiftly pursued the tracks left behind by the others.

After a few hours of traipsing through the woods, the sky had already darkened. The forest on the mountain sank into pitch-black darkness, and the nocturnal wildlife began showing themselves.

For a moment, the entire forest became eerie, frightening, and suffocating.

It was a given that Fade did not fear such things. However, it had grown too dark for him to follow the footsteps left behind in the dense forest, so he had to slow down.

"Don't tell me I have to spend a night in these woods." As he pondered on his next move now that it was already night, he suddenly glimpsed lights ahead out of the corner of his eye.

"There's people here! It's a village." He was slightly surprised.

Right away, a thought occurred to him. "Walking alone in this thicket would be a pain. Liborio and Nergui couldn't have travelled very far since they kidnapped both Caesar and Mr. Tu." "If I'm headed in the right direction, it's very possible that they stayed in this village last night. I'll go over and ask around. Maybe I'll get some useful clues."

With that in mind, Fade immediately moved towards the lights emanating from the village.

Fifteen minutes later, he arrived at the village.

He walked towards the nearest house, but it was all dark inside. He knocked on the door and called out a few times. There was no response.

Assuming that no one was home, he just went along deeper into the village.

When he found a house that was lit inside, he knocked on the door once more. However, still, no one responded. It gave him the feeling that something was off.

"What's going on in this tiny village? Why aren't they at home at this late hour?"

Just as he began to feel doubtful, he saw a man in his fifties running out of the house and rushing towards the south of the village.

He gave chase instantly and caught up with the man. He exclaimed, "Good day, sir!"

"Ah!" The man was shocked upon seeing Fade appear behind him.

Fade hurriedly clarified, "I'm a tourist who lost my way in the forest. I thought of staying here for the night. Do you perhaps have an extra room in your house?"

"A room? If it's fine with you, I do have an extra bed available in a small room behind my house. My name is Faariq. You can rest at mine tonight, said the man. He continued, "But something's come up now, so you will have to wait for a while."

"What's the matter?" Fade's expression shifted as he asked, "Has something happened in the village? Why are the villagers all out?"

Faariq explained, "labro was picking herbs on the mountain when he got bitten by a snake. He's in critical condition so all the villagers have gone to help."

"Oh dear! Then I'll go with you and help out too," Fade offered.

Seeing Fade's enthusiasm, Faariq did not turn him down.

Fade quickly followed him to a cottage situated in the south of the village.

The small house was brightly lit at the moment. There were at least thirty people gathered around there. It seemed that almost everyone in the village had shown up.

Though it was faint, Fade could hear sobs from inside.

Faariq brought him through the crowd and went


A man in his forties was lying on a bed. His left lower leg was red and swollen. It was nearly the same size as his thigh.

Beside the bed sat a middle-aged woman and a young girl in her teens, who were sobbing tearfully.

The people around them were discussing various methods of treatment. Be that as it may, the villagers were not professional doctors. They could only run their mouths. When it came to actual treatment, they were helpless.


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