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His Stunning Doctor Wife novel Chapter 2333

After a long silence, Gotzel finally calmed down and spoke through gritted teeth.

"There's a difference between talent and absolute strength. In history, there have been talents, but in the end, not many grow up to be geniuses."

Jiles, who was standing on the side, also spoke in a low voice.

"If one's heart isn't good, their character won't be either. The greater one's potential is, the greater the danger they'll pose!"

His words made up an excuse for Wagner and the others, and they all echoed.

"Master is right. Talent is nothing but potential, and it's uncertain if the potential will be fulfilled."

"Jiles is right. No matter how good a person's character is, it's still worth nothing if they hurt an innocent person."

"With the talents that this wicked person possesses, we have to deal with him in advance. Otherwise, he'll grow to be more dangerous."

Everyone spoke up about their opinion and had intentions to kill Fade.

Kinsley frowned when he heard this. Then, he said, "Everyone, Fade's matter has not been decided yet. It's inappropriate for you to be like this!"

"Master Zou, the evidence of the matter is certain, and it was confirmed a long time ago. You're the one who hasn't decided!" Gotzel said.

Kinsley rebutted, "Master Tuan, let me remind you. Don't turn a blind eye to cover up your faults. Otherwise, it might lead to unexpected consequences."

"Are you threatening me?" Gotzel growled rudely.

Kinsley snorted. "I wouldn't dare. I'm just giving you a reminder. It's up to you to decide whether or not you'll listen to me, Master


The atmosphere became tense.

Suddenly, someone in the crowd pointed at the water mirror and shouted, "The light has disappeared again!"

Instantly, everyone's attention was drawn back to the water mirror.

"He disappeared again. Will he go up another level?"

"That's impossible. It won't be easy to enter the eighth level."

"I think he's about to quit."

In the midst of the discussion, Yura curled her lips and said, "It's not impossible. I believe in Fade. He must have entered the eighth level." "Ignorant. Do you know about the eighth level? In the past hundred years, not a single one of the hundreds of explorers has entered the eighth level. They've only entered the seventh level at most. Entering the eighth level is simply wishful thinking." Wagner looked at Yura as he mocked her.

The others also turned to her with mocking looks on their faces.

She looked angry and wanted to say something.

However, before she could open her mouth, a light appeared in the water mirror and lit up on the eighth level.

In an instant, her expression changed. With a smile on her face, she looked at Wagner and asked, "Who is ignorant? You know it now, don't you?"

His expression was horrible, and his face was so gloomy that it looked as if it was going to rain.

Even the masters were shocked, and their expressions couldn’t help changing.

In the secret realm of the Xuan Valley, Fade smiled as soon as he stepped into the eighth level.

He had thought that the thunder essence on the seventh level was a huge surprise.

However, the eighth level was an even bigger surprise.


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