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His Stunning Doctor Wife novel Chapter 2403

The group followed after the soldiers silently as they walked towards the direction of the building.

These soldiers were obviously martial arts practitioners, and their strengths and skills were at least at the early stage of the Heaven Level. Hence, it was a given that their speed was relatively fast.

About 15 minutes later, they finally arrived at the building.

Observing the densely- packed buildings in front of them, Fade and his team could not help but widen their eyes in surprise.

It was because there was a cluster of ancient buildings. At first glance, one couldn't see the edges.

Surrounding the buildings, the streets were criss-crossed. There were people walking on the streets and there were even busy commercial streets selling various goods.

For a moment, Fade and his friends felt as if they had travelled back in time.

However, they were brought back to reality at the sight of multiple modern electronic gadgets on the street.

The leading soldier glanced at them who were still in shock and said with a slight smile, "This is the outer island of Prohibition Island, where the real martial arts families are located."

"Follow me. Let's go to the hotel."

The soldier took them through a tall wooden gate and headed in.

When they stepped into the gate, they could feel the energy of life in the building, the sounds of the carriage drivers, the sounds of various street hawkers, and even the sounds of banter.

Generally, the place seemed to be no different from the outside world.

However, after a slight observation, they found out that the concentration of spiritual energy was much stronger here.

Moreover, the pedestrians were all warriors. Most hawkers on the street had already reached at least the Black Level, which was truly extraordinary.

The soldier took them through the street to a three-story hotel.

After completing all the necessary

procedures, the soldiers left.

Fade, along with everyone, took the opportunity to inquire the owner of the hotel about the situation on the outer island.

Obviously, the owner recognized Fade and he was not surprised. Instead, he was very kind and answered all his questions about the outer island.

Fade and his friends were aware that they had to wait for the arrival of other martial arts practitioners. The officials from the inner island would welcome them to the island to train after three days.

During these three days, they rested in the hotel on the outer island and waited.

They could either stay in the hotel or go out for a stroll. All in all, there were no major problems.

However, this was, after all, the territory of the real martial arts family, and among them were top families. It was only natural for him to avoid offending them in case it provoked more trouble.

That included eating and drinking, or even shopping.

The power of wealth was useless here. The businesses here were done with stone coins, which contained a special Spiritual Energy that was very difficult to counterfeit.

As for obtaining the stone coins, one could exchange them with herbs, weapons, battle techniques, or even cultivation techniques.

To put it simply, the resources needed for a martial artist's cultivation were the real currency here.

Needless to say, the food, clothing as well as accommodation had been arranged long ago. Hence, there was no need to spend extra money.


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