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His Stunning Doctor Wife novel Chapter 2435

Even the team leaders who were watching outside the island were sighing. All of them believed that Fade had lost.

Naturally, Nestor was the last one who wanted to see the outcome. Holding his head in his hands, his expression was unsightly.

Right then, a loud bang of thunder suddenly rose into the sky. Everyone was shocked by it.

As they looked over, a black shadow shot out from the middle of all the turmoil. At the sides of its body, there were traces of scorching flames.

The black shadow gradually evolved into a Flamebird as it swooped across the sky.

With a flap of its wings, thousands of balls of flames fell onto the earth like raindrops.

On the ground, screams were heard one after another.

Upon a closer look, they saw that the ones being attacked were the team that Jaston and Mina had led.

They tried their best to avoid the rain of fireballs, but there were too many for them to escape. Some of them tried to use their positive energy to form a shield, but the moment the fireballs touched their shields, a hole was burnt through. It quickly seared into their bodies, making them scream in pain.

Amongst the chaos, the Flamebird in the air dissipated gradually as the rain of fireballs came to a standstill.

There were more than thirty bodies scattered on the grounds of the field. All of them were injured and moaning in agony.

In the center of them, a red flame burst out, and Fade walked out.

His face was still gentle and calm as if nothing had happened.

However, there were two people in his arms. Upon closer inspection, they found that they were Jaston and Mina.

At this moment, both of them were lying lifelessly in Fade's arms.

Placing their bodies on the ground, Fade brushed his hands and returned to Joey and Alicia's side. He smiled and said, “I won."

Joey was instantly overjoyed. She clapped her hands and gave him a big hug. "Fade, I knew you could do it!"

Watching them from the side, Alicia broke out into a fit of laughter. "Fade, you're wonderful. Thank you."

Initially, Saimus and the other members who were watching from a corner were prepared to leave the herb farm with their heads hung. They sighed at the thought that Fade had lost.

However, they realized that things had turned out the complete opposite of what they'd expected. Fade had defeated thirty people and won the battle.

This was something that they had never predicted. For a moment, they were all stunned, and everyone was speechless.

Saimus was the first to come to his senses. His serious face was now full of smiles. He stood up and walked over to Fade, saying loudly, "Fade, congratulations."

When the other team members saw this, they couldn't help but be stunned. However, they immediately understood his intentions and walked over to congratulate Fade as well.

At the moment, Fade and the girls were busy inspecting the herbs growing on the field.

It was true that the quality of the herbs grown here was top- notched. Not only were there more herbs in this field, but it was of a higher quality than the ones they found before.

Practically any herb from here could make someone stronger in the secular world.

In fact, with just one glance, there were over five hundred plants in this field alone.

At this second, Joey, who was the most money- driven one among them, was busy calculating how much they could earn from all the herbs here.


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