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His Stunning Doctor Wife novel Chapter 2687

Tapping his fingers on the table, Fade was startled when his phone suddenly rang.

"Fade, are you in Jade City?" An old voice sounded on the other side of the phone.

Fade was stunned for a moment before realizing that it was Otto, a famous Chinese Medicine practitioner in Jade City, the founder of Otto Clinic.

"Master Pai, I just arrived yesterday. I'm surprised that you're calling me."

Otto said, "Did you see yesterday's news?"

"Do you mean the article by Lichee Daily?" Fade asked.

"Yes, that's it. It seems like you already know."

"Yeah. What about it?" Fade asked.

"Due to that article, Sincere Medicine Center is in some trouble. If you're free, can you drop by the center?"

Hearing this, Fade recalled something.

He had set up the medical center in Jade City. After he left, he entrusted Otto to be in charge.

It was normal for Otto to notify him about Sincere Medicine Center.

After a pause, he replied, "Master Pai, I'll be right there."

After notifying his team, he headed over to Sincere Medicine Center straight away.

He was still a street away from the center when he saw a crowd of people gathering at the entrance, shouting noisily.

Fade frowned and sped up his pace.

Arriving at the entrance, he finally got a clear picture of the situation.

A man in his thirties was holding a sign that read, "Boycott Fade and Sincere Medicine Center."

The man shouted all kinds of slogans whereas the group of people around him cheered with him.

"Say no to dishonest entrepreneurs!"

"Say no to corrupt companies!"

"Say no to Sincere Medicine Center!"

These protestors blocked the entrance completely. Although the staff tried to keep the situation under control, there was nothing much they could do.

Some of the regular patients who were trying to get in ended up being chased away.

There was even an elderly woman who staggered to the medicine center, wanting to buy medicines, but was stopped by the protestors.

"Granny, this place is owned by a greedy man. You shouldn't shop here. Go somewhere else!" A protester tried to persuade her.

The woman was confused and said, "The medicine here is very cheap. It's less than half the price of what I paid at the hospital.”

"Granny, these people have been deceiving you. Their medicines are poisoned. Don't trust them."

"Granny, don't you know that the owner is Fade Chen from Capital City? You can't believe in a man like him, nor the products he sells."

The elderly lady shook her head and retorted, "I don't know about all these things. Their medicines are effective. My husband has been taking them for a month now and he's almost fully recovered."

"He has finished his medicine so I need to refill his prescription."

Upon hearing this, many people frowned and started to become rude.

"Granny, we've warned you, why won't you listen to us?"

"As I said, this medicine center is immoral. Go to the hospital next door. It's run by Dr. Lin, a graduate from Earland. He has excellent medical skills."


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