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His Stunning Doctor Wife novel Chapter 2703

Hearing the discussion of the guests in the cafe, the faces of the three people changed.

Although Vanice disagreed with all the claims, she could understand their reasoning. Fade's attitude and demands in the negotiation were completely different from what she had imagined. He seemed to have asked for too much.

Teddie frowned and did not agree with the other guests, but he did not say anything. After all, they were strangers.

Suppressing his anger, he picked up his cup and took a big sip of coffee.

As for Hannah, her expression darkened and she was angry.

She clenched her fists tightly and widened her eyes. There seemed to be a fire burning in her eyes.

At this moment, the discussion in the cafe was still going on.

"Alas, the news is genuine. He's too oppressive and violent."

Those words were like a spark that instantly ignited Hannah's rage.

She stood up abruptly, then glared fiercely at the guest who had just spoken and questioned him harshly.

"Too much?"

"Tell me, how is it too much?"

"Miss, you..." The guest was shocked. He could not help but frown.

However, her expression remained enraged and she continued to fume harshly, "They are invaders, the losers. Isn't it reasonable for them to apologize and compensate?"

The customer who was questioned was a middle-aged man in his forties. Judging by his expensive suit, he seemed to be a successful person or a middle- level management personnel of a foreign company.

Apparently, the middle-aged man felt a little embarrassed being questioned in public. His expression darkened as he stood up and looked at Hannah, then he said in a confrontational voice, "According to the international convention, even the loser should have their own rights and freedom. They should not be subjugated like this.”

Many customers around him nodded and agreed with him.

"That's right. Do the losers have no right?"

"It’s a civilized society now, not an ancient feudal society. Those who are defeated should have their own dignity."

"Moreover, we don't know yet if it's an invasion or not."

"Miss, I don't think you are from Jade City. Are you from Capital City?"

After that, the middle-aged man and others glanced at Hannah with sarcasm.

The middle- aged man was even more hubristic. He took a sip of his coffee and lectured Hannah, "Young lady, you're still too young. Social events are not something you can comment on just by hearing a few words. You should read more books. Rights and freedoms are sacred and inviolable."

Looking at the triumphant middle-aged man, Hannah was not afraid at all. She snorted and retorted right away.

"Rights and freedom! Haha!"

"All of you are shouting these classy slogans to defend these foreigners."

"Yet I wonder, when the foreign martial artists invaded Makallu Peak and killed dozens of our martial artists, did you stand by their side?"

"Have you done anything when these foreign martial artists secretly poisoned and tried to harm more than two million people?"

"Did you say a word when the innocent people in East Coast were attacked by these martial artists, that they were at death's door?"

"They are invaders and our people are victims."

"Each and every one of you is defending the rights and freedom of the invaders, yet you ignored that of our own people."

"Don't you think that this is too much? Is this fair?"


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