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His Stunning Doctor Wife novel Chapter 347

Fade Chen saw that this move, which could win the battle, was about to succeed. He rolled his eyelids gently, glanced at the icicles around him and said softly, "This attack is not bad. However, that's all there is to it."

"Such arrogance!" Hearing what he said, Francesca Sun shouted.She waved her palm as the icicles in the air and under the ground suddenly sped up and rushed toward Fade.

The people on the lakeside couldn't help but shout when they saw this.

At this moment, Fade pointed two fingers and formed the shape of a sword. A crimson gust of energy shot out from his fingers.

Then, the radiant gust of energy surged and transformed into a crimson long sword. The sword glimmered and shone like a burning flame.

As he swayed the long flame- like sword, it formed an arc- shaped light around Fade's body. The light kept rotating and finally transformed into a cocoon, completely enveloping Fade.

The icicles in the sky and from the lake were still densely approaching him, all moving

directly toward the crimson cocoon .

When the icicles touched the burning flame of the cocoon,they immediately melted and evaporated, emitting a gust of white steam, which blocked the view of the crowd.

Francesca saw that the first wave of icicles was completely blocked by this crimson cocoon,but she did not panic at all. She sneered and said, "This is just the beginning of my attack. Let's see how long you can endure this."

With a wave of her arm, the raindrops in the sky and the ice in the lake transformed into countless icicles and shot toward Fade continuously.

Many icicles struck the crimson cocoon with burning flames that Fade had created. The continuous layers of gas caused by this collision created a layer of white mist. This mist compressed the cocoon constantly, causing its size to become smaller.

"Well, you will die soon," Francesca sneered, and the icicles all over the sky continued to shoot toward him.

At this time, the white mist had completely enveloped the island in the middle of the lake and everyone could not see what was happening there at all.

Francesca shouted coldly and suddenly put her hands together, sending out a stream of internal energy. Instantly, countless layers of ice in the lake were meshed together and turned into a huge icicle, rushing toward Fade. "The last blow,"she said.

But at this time, the crimson cocoon that was getting smaller and smaller suddenly exploded, and Fade's faint voice was heard. "It's time to end this battle after having fun with you for such a long time."

"What did you say..." Francesca was stunned and then sneered with disdain. "You're putting on an act. Go and die!"she said.

The huge icicle, which was in the shape of an ice dragon, rushed fiercely out of the lake and was about to swallow Fade.

At this point, Fade pointed his finger gently, as a beam of brilliant light in the shape of a sword burst out and attacked the ice dragon directly.

Looking at the small sword that was less than half a foot long, Francesca couldn't help but sneer. "Do you think you can defeat my ice dragon with this small sword?"she said.

"Yes, I think?" Fade replied. The corner of his mouth was gently lifted, revealing an indifferent smile .

At this moment, Francesca heard a sharp sound indicating friction. She turned around and saw that the short sword was flying swiftly around the ice dragon.


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