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His Stunning Doctor Wife novel Chapter 371

Fade Chen and Quin Lin rested for a night in the hotel. The next morning, they arrived at the place where they had agreed to meet Big Brother Gu.

Big Brother Gu was there to welcome them with Old Ma that they had met the day before. There were also a few well-built men in their thirties who were joining them. These people were the helpers that Big Brother Gu had arranged for Fade.

After greeting each other, they did not waste any time. Fade, Old Ma, and Big Brother Gu's subordinates,who were under the leadership of a warrior named Wade, prepared to leave.

After bidding farewell to Quin, they proceeded toward the western side of town of Fuma Mountain.

Big Brother Gu had made arrangements for two female bodyguards to protect Quin.

Old Ma led the way, and he was followed by Fade and Wade.

Since Old Ma was just an ordinary man and they were hiking up the mountain, the pace wasn't too fast. About an hour and a half later, they arrived at a deserted village.

Old Ma pointed to the village and said, "This is the village where I lived before. It has been deserted for several years. There may be wild animals inside, and the rocks falling from the mountain may be dangerous too. So, be careful everyone!"

Everyone nodded and headed to the village with Old Ma.

Since it was abandoned, the houses in the village were filled with all kinds of trees and vines, and some of the old houses were halfcollapsed as well. Occasionally, small animals would be darting back and forth between them.

Although they were sure that the room in the photo was from the house near the foot of the mountain, located right at the edge of the village, they also checked thoroughly all the other houses in the village. This was done just in case the kidnappers had some other hidden plots.

The village was not very big, but there were a few dozen houses. It took quite a long time to go through all of them.

In the blink of an eye, it was already afternoon.

After replenishing themselves with food and water, they headed toward the last house, which was the cottage at the foot of the mountain.

The closer they got to the cottage, the more nervous they became.

Fade was leading the way and he approached the cottage cautiously.

The cottage was a two-story building. Fade stepped closer to it and used his inner energy to probe the cottage.

However, he did not detect any living beings in the cottage.

Fade frowned slightly and broke in the cottage directly from the front door.

Wade and his men then followed him in and they ran upstairs. They checked the rooms on the second-floor accordingly.

Fade quickly checked the rooms on the first floor, but he couldn't find any trace of the kidnappers.

Right then, Wade, who was upstairs, shouted, "Mr. Chen, I have found something here."

Fade immediately went upstairs and entered a room. In one glance, the empty room was covered in blood. There was a chair in front of the window. On the ground around the chair, there were a few pieces of ropes scattered around, all stained with blood.

Fade sniffed the air gently, and he discovered that the bloodstains were still fresh. Their existence was maybe from half an hour ago. When he realized this, he said immediately, "They haven't gone far."


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