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His Stunning Doctor Wife novel Chapter 434

"Let's see how Fade Chen deals with this," Ron Wang spoke maliciously with a slight grimace.

Old Master Zhan's eyes sank, and he said in a low voice, "No matter how he deals with this, he will have to pay the price in the end."

Apart from the two of them, there were also many nosy people and other martial-artists watching this scene from a distance. Everyone could feel the tense atmosphere, and they were shocked. One after another, they started whispering, "It has begun! The battle has begun!"

People were watching this scene secretly and also out in the open. Under their gazes, Fiery Flame, who was burly, seemed like an unstoppable and aggressive tank that would obliterate everything in front of him. He headed toward Fade fiercely.

Facing the fierce attack of Fiery Flame, Fade narrowed his eyes slightly. Then, he stamped on the ground and thrust his right arm forward. He launched a forceful blow.


With a clear sound, Fade's palm collided with

Fiery Flame. His palm blocked Fiery Flame's assault.

In an instant, a powerful gust of energy spread out. Everyone felt a gust of strong wind blowing around their surroundings ,and the dust flew up.

The dust dispersed gradually. Everyone focused on Fade, who looked frail and slender. Unexpectedly, he had blocked the assault of Fiery Flame, who was like a tank, with only his bare palm. Both of them just stood there, and no one moved.

Fiery Flame seemed stunned when he noticed that Fade had managed to block his ferocious attack. His body quivered faintly. Then, he promptly revealed a contemptuous smile, saying,"You aren't too bad! You managed to block me, but that is all there is to that."

"Get lost I" Fiery Flame growled with absolute confidence. His well-built body exerted great force against Fade. He put the pedal to the metal and was like a car accelerating with great velocity.

However, as Fiery Flame roared confidently, Fade's body was stationary and motionless. His feet was glued to the ground and there was no sign of him retreating backward. His face was expressionless, and he seemed unperturbed by what was happening.

This time, Fiery Flame's face revealed a tinge of disbelief. He shook his head in denial and mumbled to himself, "Impossible! How can a man..."

After that, he gnashed his teeth and tried to strike Fade again with great force.

Nevertheless, the great strength he exerted from his fist reached Fade's palm and it seemed to just melt into oblivion like objects sinking into quicksand. It had no effect on Fade. Fade's slender figure just stood there motionless and he had no response.

Apart from Fiery Flame, everyone who was watching was startled. They were shocked by this abnormal and unusual situation.

The long-haired foreigner named Frostburn, who had been holding his arms and watching the battle, started to frown. He shouted in annoyance, "Fiery Flame, what's going on? Stop dawdling, kill him quickly. We can't remain in China for too long."

"Frostburn, I—", Fiery Flame tried to explain.

At that moment, Fade glanced at Fiery Flame and asked lightly, "Was that your greatest strength? If so, time for me to show my strength."

"Ugh —", Fiery Flame didn't understand what was going on in that moment. He was stunned for a few seconds before coming to his senses. He observed Fade closely with vigilance. He was prepared to exert all of his strength in his sturdy arms.

Before he could react in time, Fade shook his body gently, and then waved his arms slightly. A great force surged up from Fade's palm and was launched toward Fiery Flame.

In just an instant, Fiery Flame felt the unstoppable force rushing toward him. His body couldn't resist this impact, and he retreated involuntarily.


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