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His Stunning Doctor Wife novel Chapter 440

Before she could finish speaking, Fade Chen waved his hand and said with an indifferent expression, "It's okay. Don't worry. Director Liu or Department Head Wang can't do anything to me."

Xenia Xu nodded and smiled. Obviously, she trusted Fade very much.

However, the elder nurse still looked worried and wanted to say something. When she saw that Xenia was looking at Fade with shining eyes, she could only sigh softly and said in her heart, "I hope nothing will happen!"

Fade did not take Director Liu and Department Head Wang seriously at all. He looked at the time, and there was about half an hour before the working hours ended. He said to Xenia, "Xenia, didn't you say that you have to ask me about some difficult medical cases? Now, I can help you!"

"Really? That's great!" Xenia replied. She was surprised. Then, she took Fade to the medical room, brought out a stack of medical records, and began to consult Fade.

"This patient's symptoms are similar to the common cough, but the patient hasn't

recovered after a week of treatment. Now, the patient is hospitalized. Big Brother Chen, can you check what's the reason behind this?"

"Also, there is this patient. I can't find any problem with him, but he says that he is often dizzy."

"Do you have any good way to cure this kind of wound?"

One by one, difficult medical cases were brought out and all of them were thrown at Fade.

Seeing this, the two nurses next to them could not help but shake their heads gently. These cases were problematic cases accumulated in the medical room for several months. If it was so easy to solve them, they would not be problematic cases.

Now, Xenia only had medical records and the patients were not even here. It was really impossible for Fade to figure out the causes of these medical issues and think of ways to treat these illnesses.

Just as the two nurses shook their heads and sighed, Fade quickly looked through the medical records. After thinking for a while, he gave the solutions.

"The main cause of this cough is the liver. The previous treatment was concentrated on the throat and the lungs. This cough is slightly different, that's why the treatment is ineffective. If you want to treat it properly, you can focus on doing acupuncture at the lower back area

"And this patient, according to the information described in your medical record, his dizziness should be due to the blood clot formation which leads to the blockage of blood vessels. I'll give you a medical prescription and let him take this medication for a week."

Fade began to diagnose the diseases endlessly. The dozens of difficult cases that they had accumulated for several months were finally solved by Fade in less than twenty minutes.

The two nurses, who didn't believe in his abilities before this, looked at Fade in incredulity.

"This, this is amazing!"

"Xenia, who on earth is Dr. Chen? He has such excellent medical skills,"one of them said.

Xenia smiled and said, "Dr. Chen's medical skills are absolutely the best. He's a top-notch doctor!"

"It's too..." The two nurses were amazed.

However, before they could finish their words, a loud voice suddenly came from the door. "Where are the people in the medical room? Why don't they work during working hours?"

They were shocked and turned to look at the entrance of the treatment room.


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