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His Stunning Doctor Wife novel Chapter 469

"It's him!" Fade Chen remembered that Chief Zhao had mentioned Director Xu before. Director Xu had been suppressing Winnie Huo, and he had asked someone to secretly take pictures of her too. He definitely wanted to use these photos to threaten Winnie for his own unknown purposes.

"Salazar Xu is crossing the line!" Fade grunted coldly. Then, he said to the man who was secretly taking the pictures, "Is there anything else I should know?"

The man did not dare to hesitate, and he quickly told Fade all the information he knew.

He gave him information on scandals of many celebrities whom he had secretly photographed. Many of them were popular celebrities. Unexpectedly, many of them did not behave appropriately in their private lives.

However, Fade was not interested in these gossips and rumors. On the contrary, Fade got some dirt on Director Xu. Salazar misused his power and authority, asking the celebrities in his company to sleep with him.

There were even rumors within Enya Entertainment. Only actresses who had

passed Director Xu's "inspections" personally would be given exposure and support from the company.

When Fade thought of the suppression of Winnie's career, he felt that this rumor was likely to be true.

Moreover, Fade also got some photos and videos on Salazar's scandal from this sneaky photographer. He had secretly tracked these actresses and accidentally discovered them sleeping with Salazar.

After taking these videos and photos, Fade said, "You can leave now. However, don't tell anyone what happened today. Do you understand?"

"Yes, I understand!" The man nodded his head repeatedly out of fear.

After that, Fade returned to Winnie's home and told her about the man who was secretly taking photos of her.

When Winnie learned that it was her boss who had instructed this man to do this, she was furious.

Seeing this, Fade consoled her and said, "Sister Winnie, we will go and terminate the contract tomorrow. We will cut all ties with this company and this boss."

Winnie heard this and she felt better. She nodded to Fade and thanked him sincerely.

The two of them looked at each other, and the atmosphere was a little strange. After all, they were emotional just now and they had almost crossed the last barrier. However, they were disturbed by the man who was secretly taking photos of them.

At this moment, as they thought of what happened just now, both of them did not know what emotions they were feeling.

Fade realized that the atmosphere was ruined. He knew that it was not the right time for him to be there, so he said goodbye and left.

After returning home, Fade quickly called Fatty Huang to discuss Winnie's contract again. Fade was prepared to pay the 50 million himself.

Fatty was aware of Fade's temper. Therefore, he didn't oppose him. Fatty dealt with the matter directly, and started to arrange for the publicity of this matter.

After Fade hung up the phone, his wife Quin Lin returned home.


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