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His Stunning Doctor Wife novel Chapter 500

At the same time, the Internet was buzzing. There were plenty of congratulatory posts on social media.

"Congratulations to Rowena Song for the endorsement of over 1 million orders for cosmetics!"

"One million sets, this number is already comparable to the results of international big names, Rowena Song has won the first battle!"

"With such a great start, their future is unstoppable!"

"Good luck to Rowena Song and Far Peace Corporation!"

All kinds of celebration and cheering topics were the hot posts for now, as if Far Peace Corporation and Rowena Song had won. Although at the same time, the order volume of Fei Enterprises Holdings Inc was already approaching 3 million sets, but these people turned a blind eye and ignored it.

There were even fans who sent various congratulatory topics and photos dedicated

to Rowena Song, which dominated the internet.

At the scene, President Xie saw that her order quantity on the scene coming to a halt. Winking at Secretary Wang, she indicated that they were ready to retreat. After all, instead of continuing to stand around while Fei Enterprises Holdings Inc's order volumes kept rising, it would be wiser to leave since their own order volume was not that great.

Secretary Wang began to arrange and wrap up, with President Xie and Rowena together and were about to leave. At the same time, their minds had begun to calculate. In this match, they had lost. After that, what was their next step?

They were thinking of ways to use the Internet arguments to slander their opponents, as well as using psychological measures to get their customers to buy their products.

As they pondered, Fade Chen stepped forward and greeted Big Brother Liu who had arrived at the door.

Big Brother Liu looked at Fade and asked, "Dr. Chen, you have the evidence, right?"

"That's right!" Fade nodded to Big Brother Liu, then pointed to Rowena, and said, "Is that her over there?"

Big Brother Liu looked at Rowena, and suddenly got angry. He rushed over yelling, "Rowena Song, stand where you are!"

With such a loud yell, everyone at the scene was shocked, and then they looked at him.

To their surprise, they saw a middle- aged man plainly dressed, approaching Rowena aggressively.

When Rowena turned her head and saw the man, her expression suddenly turned dark.

Seeing this, President Xie hurriedly asked Rowena, "What's going on?"

Rowena whispered: "The commercial streetcar accident. Before this, Salazar promised that he will handle it. I'm not sure why, but there seems to be a problem again."

As President Xie heard this, her expression changed slightly, and then she said, "I know about it. They told me Salazar handled it very well, and nothing will happen. Just deny everything later, I will support you."

With President Xie's words, Rowena was more assured. She looked at Big Brother Liu and said coldly, "Sir, you called me, is there anything wrong?"

Big Brother Liu looked at Rowena, his expression furious and gritted his teeth, "Rowena, you hit my father with your car and you fled. Don't you have anything to say to my father?"

Upon this, the exploded at once.

The reporter's camera turned around and instantly aimed at Rowena and Big Brother Liu. The businessmen also behaved similarly and turned their heads.

As for the fans, they started talking about it as well. After all, there was a rumor of Rowena's hit and run, and a video was uploaded on the Internet for a short period of time, but was soon followed by no news.


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