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His Stunning Doctor Wife novel Chapter 504

This battle in the cosmetics industry of Long City which was in the limelight ended with the sweeping victory of Fei Enterprises Holdings Inc.

Due to the excellent sales of their new products, the public's opinion about Fei Enterprises Holdings Inc escalated again and their value reached a whopping billion yuan.

At the same time, as the Life Elixir Wine company was under the management of Fei Enterprises Holdings Inc, its reputation rose again because of this incident, and its sales increased by 20 percent.

Winnie Huo, who was the only spokesperson for Fei Enterprises Holdings Inc's new product had benefited a lot from this. Winnie, who had already fallen to the end of the B-list of celebrities, became more popular because of this incident. She boosted herself to the top of the list of the second-class team.

Moreover, according to how things were going, it was only a matter of time for her to return to the first-class team.

At the same time, along with Winnie's popularity, Scott Huang's Scott Entertainment

gradually became famous in the entertainment circle of Long City. Some young stars and students of art schools with good qualifications even gave up the invitation from other big companies and took the initiative to contact Scott Entertainment in hopes to join the company.

In contrast, Far Peace Corporation had completely withdrawn from the cosmetics industry of Long City. The whole Enya Entertainment was completely outclassed by Scott Entertainment. As for Rowena Song, who had competed with Winnie, her situation at this time was the most tragic.

Because of the hit-and-run traffic accident, Rowena was arrested by the public security police, and then quickly brought to the court. Finally, she was sentenced immediately and sent for imprisonment.

This huge disturbance caused the whole Long City to stir, and many businesses and people got busy.

As for Fade Chen himself, after dealing with these things, he became idle instead.

One day, when Fade was wandering on the streets, his cell phone rang. Fade took out his cell phone and looked at the caller ID. It was a call from Daphne Tao, also known as Dr. Tao from City Medical Center.

Fade answered immediately, "Doctor Tao!"

"Fade, are you free?" Because of Fade's help last time, the relationship between Daphne and Fade had become much closer. At this time, Daphne was no longer formal when they were talking, and the way she addressed him became more like a friend.

Fade replied, "I'm free. Is there anything that I can help in the hospital?"

Daphne said, "It's not about the hospital, it's about Old Mr. Liu."

"Oh, about Old Mr. Liu?" Fade asked.

Daphne explained, "Here's the thing. Old Mr. Liu has been discharged from the hospital today, and his son has also come to the hospital to explain what happened to Rowena. Old Mr. Liu knows that you have helped a lot in this incident, so he wants to treat you to a meal to thank you personally."

"It's Old Mr. Liu's treat. Of course, I have to appear. I'll be right there." Fade said with a smile. Then he hung up the phone and rushed to the School of Public Security.

Soon, Fade arrived at the hospital.

Big Brother Liu, who was Old Mr. Liu's son, had already completed the discharge procedure for Old Mr. Liu. The two of them and Daphne who had changed into a set of clothes, were waiting in the hospital parking lot. Seeing Fade coming, Old Mr. Liu suddenly came over with excitement. "Thank you, thank

When he was halfway through his sentence, the elder actually wanted to kneel and thank Fade.

Seeing this, Fade quickly helped Old Mr. Liu up and then persuaded him to not do this, which finally calmed the elder down.


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