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His Stunning Doctor Wife novel Chapter 555

The sexy woman's voice trembled slightly, "Master Song, you're going too fast. Let's just forget about it?"

"D*mn it! I've been racing for so many years, and I've never been humiliated like this. I'm going to kill him!" Master Song swore, and then accelerated again. The sports car roared and chased after Fade Chen.

The sexy woman was even more frightened when she heard the sound of the wind against her ear, but she didn't dare to say anything else. She could only hold on to the seat belt tightly and hoped that nothing bad would happen.

The car sped up and quickly closed the distance to Fade.

Just as Master Song was thinking about passing Fade, a bend appeared in front of him. He had no choice but to slow down.

However, Fade's car had no intention of slowing down at all. He rushed directly to the curve at an extremely fast speed.

Seeing this, Master Song said, "You're going to die! Your car will turn over at that speed!"

Just as he finished speaking, Fade's car drifted around the bend perfectly. He passed the bend almost without slowing down. Master Song was rendered speechless.

Master Song was stunned. He shouted angrily, "D*mn, lucky guy, how could he be that lucky?"

Master Song shouted as he passed the bend. When the road straightened up again, he began to speed up.

However, just after a few miles, he reached another bend. He had to slow down again.

However, Fade's car still did not slow down. As Master Song cursed at him, Fade went past the bend, drawing a beautiful arc with his car.

This time, Master Song frowned, his expression darkened.

It wasn't the last time this happened. Although Master Song could get closer to Fade on the straight road, every time when he reached the curve, Fade could drift past the curve perfectly, while Master Song had to slow down.

Fade was getting farther and farther away from him. It was obvious that he could not overtake Fade anymore.

Under such a situation, Master Song, who thought he was a racing master, was extremely angry and felt an unknown humiliation.

He didn't care about anything else. He directly stepped on the gas pedal and chased after Fade.

Eventually, he did close the gap between the two cars. But when he reached another curve, Fade drifted through it again perfectly.

Fire almost spurted from Master Song's eyes. He didn't slow down. He went straight into the curve at an extremely fast speed, ready to drift into the curve like Fade.

When he first entered the curve, Master Song felt it was fine. But when he reached the big bend, the huge centrifugal force almost made the sports car turn over.

Master Song tried his best to hold onto the steering wheel, trying to control the car, but the huge inertia took control instead. It was going to turn over.

He was forced to slow down. Finally, he avoided any danger of turning over.

However, the car crashed into the roadside guardrail.


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