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His Stunning Doctor Wife novel Chapter 733

Fade met up Mr. Tu and explained his idea of opening a clinic. Mr. Tu was delighted. He did not view it as a potential competitor, but rather, he supported the idea with much enthusiasm.

After a round of discussion, the plan quickly came into fruition.

Just as Lily suggested, Fade would open a Chinese medicine center to treat patients, mainly using Chinese medicinal herbs.

However, in terms of general operation, there was still a slight difference from Tu Medicine Center.

The Tu Medicine Center was a traditional Chinese medicine clinic, where consultation was provided for each treatment in order to cure diseases and train up Chinese medicine practitioners at the same time.

As for the medical center that Fade had in mind, the main direction was readily made medicine, which was similar to western medicinal products. Fade would prepare some general prescriptions for the treatment of common diseases. The patients would then take the corresponding medicine according to their symptoms.

In case of any uncertainty or more specific diseases, the patient could also request for a doctor to confirm their diagnosis and treatment method.

In fact, this method was more similar to a pharmacy than a hospital. Its main function was to sell medicines, and clinical services was only subsidiary.

Moreover, this method required fewer professional personnel compared to a traditional Chinese medicine center. After all, Fade couldn't just focus on the center wholeheartedly.

On the other hand, Fade planned to lower the price of medicines sold. Thus, patients could get their diseases treated at a more reasonable price. After all, he was not short of money. His goal was to cure patients and promote the use of Chinese medicine.

After confirming the direction of the clinic, Fade immediately began to prepare for its construction .

With Fade's current status and wealth, the preparation part was easy. He chose a suitable place and bought it. He didn't even need to renovate the place as some minor adjustments were already sufficient. In less than three days, the preparation was completed and the clinic was ready to be opened.

Lily arranged for the professionals of Fei Enterprises Holdings Inc to take care of the registration procedures. They were fast and efficient.

All that was left for Fade, was to name his new clinic.

Fade had a hard time deciding. He called up Mr. Tu, Dr. Tao, and Caesar, to ask for for their advice.

The group of people suggested several names, but Fade didn't like any of them. Some felt too classic, and some were too modern.

In the end, everyone couldn't come up with any more new names. Caesar clapped his hands together and said, "My center is called the Tu Medicine Center. Fade, your surname is Chen, why don't we call it Chen Clinic?"

Fade didn't say anything, and Daphne didn't quite agree. She said, "Fade said that his medical center would mainly sell ready- made medicines and prescriptions, it's not appropriate to call it a clinic."

Caesar said, "Let's call it Chen Pharmacy. Is that okay?"

Hearing this, Daphne couldn't help but roll her eyes at Caesar.

Fade, on the other hand, thought of something and said, "Chen Pharmacy, it's easy on the ears and accentuates the main point. Not bad."

Caesar was overjoyed and said, "Brother Chen knows what's good for him."


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