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His Stunning Doctor Wife novel Chapter 845

The monster towered at approximately 6 meters. Andy, Boss Chiao, and Carter were all dumbfounded as they looked at the scene in disbelief.

"What... What is this? Where did such a huge monster come from?" They questioned.

"Mr. Chen is in danger!" Andy shouted.

For a moment, the two people's faces were ashen, and they could not help but worry.

On the other hand, Jarred's face showed a smug smile. He gritted his teeth and exclaimed, "If you dare lay a finger on me, all of you will go to h*ll! Ha, ha, ha!"

Jarred was laughing maniacally. Fade looked at the giant red beast that was leaping towards him, but he was not surprised in the slightest. On the contrary, he was a little disappointed, and he shook his head. He sighed as he said, "This again? Don't you have anything new?"

"Boy, what did you say?" Jarred was shocked, and his face darkened.

Fade replied lightly, "Your attacks are too predictable. It's not a threat to me at all."

"You're talking nonsense. This weapon has been bestowed upon me by the Master Skull. How can you-" Jarred spoke in disbelief.

However, Fade did not care to explain. He waved his right hand and a breath of positive energy surged out, turning into a ball of red flowing light. Like a flame, it flew towards the red monster.

The monster was hit by the flying light, and it let out a sizzling sound, like water dripping onto a red-hot iron plate.

Suddenly, the giant monster twisted at all its joints. It slowly became deformed as its aura was consumed by the red flowing light. In the end, the monster was burned to ashes, and completely dissipated into the air.

Jarred was dumbfounded. He stared in disbelief at the space where the monster had been, muttering to himself, "How is this possible? This can't be true. This can't be true. This is the treasure that the Master Skull had given me. How could it be defeated so easily?"

Fade retracted his right arm as he walked towards Jarred. He said coldly, "It seems that those people did not tell you who I am."

Upon hearing that, Jarred's face darkened. He replied, "Aren't you just a random thug from the Yue family? You came to Hamlin City because you

wanted to bring Yohannes' body back."

Fade shook his head and looked at Jarred with a sneer. He said with disdain, "Poor guy. You are just a pawn, yet you had thought so highly of yourself." "What? You said that I'm just a pawn? That's impossible! Master Skull and the others would not lie to me. They definitely wouldn't..." Jarred was in a state of madness. "I drank the medicine that they gave me. I recovered from my injuries and have also grown younger. I've also recovered my strength. They have not been lying to me. You are the one who's lying!"

Fade sneered, "You honestly think that everything they gave you was good for you?"

"Wasn't it? Don't try to mislead me," Jarred said.

Fade replied coldly, "Mislead you? If you don't believe me, cut yourself and see what your blood looks like. All this time when you were cultivating, didn't you feel that your aura was getting colder and colder?"

"I, I, I didn't!" Jarred could not believe it, he could not help but look at one of the wounds on his body.


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