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His Stunning Doctor Wife novel Chapter 869

Several judges went along with Mr. Tu to explain the situation to the patients.

When the patients heard that 'Three Needles Junior' and 'Acupuncture Prince' would personally cure their disease for free, they all rushed up to participate.

Soon, the judges chose 20 patients and divided them into two groups. Each group had ten people, and they were assigned to Caesar and Henric respectively.

The symptoms and severity of the diseases in both groups of patients were very similar. In terms of diseases, there were common ailments such as cold and fever, internal conditions in regards to the body and joints, as well as chronic diseases such as pneumonia, heart failure, pulse disorder, and so on.

It could be said that the distribution of patients from both sides covered most of the common diseases, and both their medical skills could be put to the test.

After both parties confirmed the condition of their patients, the judges examined them again before they began the competition.

Meanwhile, numerous cameras were focused on them, and the clicking sound of shutters went on endlessly. Some people even started a live broadcast on the Internet, and their video was being streamed online.

At that moment, the competition between Caesar and Henric was trending.

As the competition started, both parties started to move quickly. They first felt the patient's pulses to confirm their condition, then used silver needles to perform acupuncture on the spot.

Both of them were very skilled, and fluid in their movements. As they used their needles, their movements were natural and smooth, as if they were dancing. It dazzled everyone who was watching. Many reporters were even praising them, and they were constantly taking photos too.

Mr. Tu looked at Caesar and Henric, comparing their methods and speed. He could not help but show a smile. He was feeling much more relieved.

Henric's methods were quite good, they were light and intelligent. It could be seen that he had potential. However, he had a huge problem which was the same as his grandfather, Lamont's.

Because of their natural talents, they did not spend a lot of time to practice their fundamentals.

Although there were no apparent problems in their actions, acupuncture was a precise exercise. Subtle details were the key to a higher accuracy. The final outcome could be seen from whoever had a more stable workflow.

Originally, Caesar also had a similar problem. However, ever since he had been defeated by Fade that one time in Bay City, he had worked hard on his basics, and made great progress.

Based on the current scene, Mr. Tu was almost certain that Caesar would be able to win the match.

At the thought of that, Mr. Tu's smile grew wider and wider.

The two of them moved fast, performing a dazzling array of acupuncture techniques. It was hard to determine who had the upper hand. From the live broadcast, many people continued to fill the comments section with encouraging words.

Within an hour, all ten patients on both sides had been treated with acupuncture.

Their acupuncture methods and movements had been skillful, without any mistakes. So, next, the most important outcome was to observe the therapeutic effects from both groups of patients.

For similar diseases, the winner could be determined from the group of patients who had healed better and recovered faster.

The judge went over and began to examine the physical conditions of the twenty patients.

Caesar had a smile on his face. He too had noticed Henric's underlying problem, so he was very confident.

And that moment, Henric too had a smile on his face. He appeared to be very confident as well.


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