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His Stunning Doctor Wife novel Chapter 894

Hearing this, Fade furrowed his eyebrows.

Tom continued, "Macallan and I confronted them and wanted them to apologize, but their strength exceeded our expectations. We were no match for their disciples even when Macallan and I joined forces."

As he was wrapping up his recount, gloom spread across Tom's face.

Fade narrowed his eyes and put on a serious face.

Upon entering the arena, the rest of the students stepped forward to welcome Fade and Tom.

On the opposite end of the arena, a group of people stared intently at them.

Fade naturally returned their gaze. He caught sight of a guy built like a giant, his height approaching two meters. There were several young people next to him.

Tom whispered in Fade's ear, "Brother Fade, that man is Kenny Teh! The four men beside him are his disciples."

Fade directs his gaze at the disciples, and to his surprise, he recognized one of them.

It was the young boss he met in the bar a few days ago.... Brock Yim.

At that time, Fade absolutely destroyed Brock. Back then, Brock also threatened Fade by saying his master was Kenny Teh.

Reminiscing, Fade uttered gravely, "It's you."

At that instant, Brock noticed Fade. With a face full of resentment, he pointed at Fade and said to Kenny, "Master, I was crippled by him. You must set things right for me!"

Kenny lightly nodded. He looked at Fade and asked: "So you're the pillar behind this useless martial arts center?"

Fade looked at him and demanded gravely, "What do you want?"

Kenny looks at the disciples beside him and says with a smile: "What do I want? I didn't find this martial arts center to my liking, so I came over and tested you all. Little did I know all of you would turn out to be weaklings."

"Now, I am also avenging my disciple." Kenny said, "Do you want to kill yourself, or do you want me to kill you myself?"

Fade stares grimly at Kenny and says in a low voice: "I'll face the challenge. As for crippling your disciple, he deserves it. If you want to avenge him, let's fight." "How impudent!"

"How audacious!"

"Courting death!"

Kenny's disciples let out a resounding war cry as the surrounding reporters recorded the scene with a barrage of camera flashes. The atmosphere was tumultuous and chaotic.

Kenny waved his arms, taunting Fade. The corners of his mouth curl up and he says with a cold smile: "How bold of you! I also know something about you. I heard that you're the number one martial arts master in Dragonville. Could it be that there is nobody left living in Dragonville? For a runt like you to hold the title, what a joke "

"That's right!"

"A bunch of weaklings!"

"You don't live up to your reputation!"

The disciples burst into laughter and jeered again. They put on a deliberate display of provocative postures in front of the reporters, as their arrogance knows no bounds.

Kenny even glanced at the reporters and then loudly proclaimed to Fade, "AS there are so many reporters here today, I will challenge you in public, Fade."

"Challenge me?"

Kenny nods and says loudly: "That's right! I'm challenging you, challenging the so-called number one Master in Dragonville."

"If I win, you will kneel on my ground and kowtow three times to me and admit defeat, Fade Chen. Are you afraid?" Kenny shot a provoking look at Fade.


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