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His Stunning Doctor Wife novel Chapter 946

After wandering around for over an hour, Fade felt a little tired and took a seat in the lounge. He had picked up a cup of hot tea on the way and sipped it slowly.

Just as Fade was drinking his tea, he suddenly saw, in an unintentional sweep of his gaze, a journalist setting up a camera in a small office diagonally opposite him, interviewing someone.

This kind of interview scenario was a common occurrence in a television station and it should not have attracted Fade's attention.

However, the three people being interviewed were the ones that Fade had to be concerned about.

After all, they were Wendy, Anthony and their son, Eric, whom Fade knew well.

Fade had had a confrontation with Wendy when he was at Dragonville Nursery because of Fish. Later on, Wendy and Anthony came to Fade's Sincere Medicine Center to cause trouble again because of Eric's condition. However, Fade ended up teaching them a lesson instead. After that, he treated Eric's condition.

Right after the two returned to Jade City, they took to the TV and media to publicize the injustice they had suffered in Dragonville, spreading false rumors about Sincere Medical Center and even naming Fade as a quack. They had spread all sorts of malicious lies.

At that time, Fade, who was still in Dragonville, had Lily do some clarification reports. Because of what happened with Quin, Fade didn't care about such trivialities.

Now that the three were on TV again and they were seemingly being interviewed for a story, it reminded Fade of the previous reports.

As a result, Fade put down his cup of tea and silently moved closer.

The office was small and there was only a piece of glass separating it from the larger room. Hence, the sound insulation was bad.

Fade was two or three meters from the office when he could hear the sounds of voices talking inside.

With a microphone in hand, a female reporter in her thirties, Reeva Liu was interviewing Wendy and Anthony.

The content of their conversation was, unsurprisingly, exactly what they had done in Dragonville.

At that moment, Reeva nodded her head. She had just finished listening to Wendy and Anthony and then she spoke up, "Miss Wendy and Mr. Anthony, according to what you said, you claimed that the Sincere Medical Centre in Dragonville treated you poorly and that the doctors' medical skills were terrible. So, did you end up having them treat your son?"

The two of them were stunned and then Wendy's eyes rolled up as she hurriedly explained, "We did have him treat our son but it was because the situation was urgent and we had no other way to do it. Hence, we had no other choice."

"And how did the treatment work out?" Reeva asked again.

Wendy gave Anthony a look, then waved her hand and laughed, "What can we expect from a quack? The treatment only stopped the bleeding. In the end, it was only when we rushed back to Jade City overnight and hired a doctor that my son was cured."

Reeva said, "In that case, they are just terrible doctors who had purposely given you both a hard time."

"You could say that." Wendy nodded.

Next to her, Anthony added, "The Western medicine at Jade City is more than ten times better than that man's."

Wendy continued, "My son's condition would not have become so serious if that quack hadn't made things difficult for him. It took a lot of work to cure him back in Jade City."


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