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His Versatile Gorgeous Wife novel Chapter 601

The guy continued, “This poison won't be activated until coffee is consumed. Moreover, the higher the quality of the beans, the quicker its reaction. That is why I had to be rushed to the hospital.”

His words got the reporters to murmur endlessly.

“No wonder they fall ill after they drank up. Turns out, the poison needed coffee to activate. That also means that there is nothing wrong with Soir Coffee's products. Everyone would fall ill no matter which coffee shop they go to.”

“It's not just that there is nothing wrong with Soir Coffee. The fact that the so-called victims became ill before they even exited the shop proves that Soir Coffee uses quality beans.” “Gah, the more I think about it, the more terrifying this is. If this product ever gets sold, anyone who wants to frame any coffee shop can just lace the products with this poison. It can disrupt the peace in the entire community!”

“It will never be sold. Our country had always banned the use of this type of poison. I can't believe that idiot actually smuggled it in from Manchernius. He is so dead.”

The sound of a squad marching was soon heard.

Everyone turned their attention over and was scared out of their minds when they saw the uniform that the squad had on.

“It's the Specialized Forces!”

Howard instinctively straightened his back and shifted his gaze fearfully when he heard that.

All he saw was the squad marching toward the stage and greeting Vinson politely. After that, they turned to Howard and warned sternly, “Howard Morgan, we have learned about your secret deal with Manchernius' illegal organizations and the illegal importation of products. We hereby arrest you for the crimes you have committed. You have the right to remain silent, but anything you say can and will be used in the court of law.”

After saying his piece, a member of the Specialized Forces took Howard's gag off.

Cough! Cough! Howard coughed a few times. His lips parted like he had something to say, but it only took him a few seconds to change his mind.


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