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Hold My Tear, I’m Getting My Wife Back! ( Leanne Castillo ) novel Chapter 574

It was that chilly time of the year again.

Little Betty was five and a half.

Over at Leanne's Castle, the garage boasted a section painted in vibrant pink, marking exclusive parking spots for an assortment of kiddie vehicles—ranging from miniature cars and motorbikes to balance bikes. Even at her tender age, Betty's collection of rides was the envy of many.

Joy and Selina, absolutely adored this spot. They'd drive their cars and zip around the garden, giggling like teenagers.

As the year wound down, Curtis decided to take Betty to the Northwood Ski Resort, keen on teaching her how to ski.

No sooner had they arrived than Joy showed up, practically thrusting her two-year-old, Danny, into Curtis' arms with a plea, “Sign him up.”

Curtis' patience was wearing thin, “What do I look like, a free winter daycare? No teaching.”

“But he’s your godson,” Joy tried.

“When did I agree to that? I must’ve missed the memo,” Curtis refused to bite.

“Anne agreed. If he’s her godson, and her godson is yours, doesn’t that make us one big happy family? Why split hairs!” Joy argued with impeccable logic.

Curtis chuckled, using her logic against her, “Well, if that’s the case, your wealth should be considered mine too. Might as well transfer it over now.”

Outmaneuvered, Joy pouted at Leanne, who was busy fitting Betty with protective gear. Leanne looked up, persuading, “Oh, come on, just help out.”

Dealing with a spouse who could twist his arm like this left Curtis no choice.

Chapter 574 1


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