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How Death Became My Rebirth novel Chapter 114

Chapter 114 

Who are these people? Why are you hanging out with them? Does Hugo not discipline you at all?asked Leonardo 

Leonardo was a little angry. Cassandra’s a girl, and she’s dining with more than a dozen men at The Urban late at night! When did she become so vain?he thought

Cassandra, how can you be so shameless to dine here with these hooligans at this time of night? Who knows what indecent activities you’re involved with them!” 

Jasper finally found an opportunity to give Cassandra a harsh scolding

He thought, I can’t believe she has the audacity to come here and enjoy herself after everything she put me through

She can forget about enjoying her life as long as I’m suffering!‘ 

Thunder, who was initially in a daze, instantly snapped back to his senses when he 

heard that

Who? Who’s insulting Emery?he thought

Who’s the lunatic barking nonsense here? Thunder’s temper flared after he imbibed

Jasper’s face fell. How dare he scold me?he thought

Who are you? Don’t you know Cassandra is a cunning bad woman? If you hang around. her too much, she might ruin your life!he shouted

He was deliberately trying to drive a wedge between Cassandra and the men

However, none of them seemed to pay his words. any heed

Spark suddenly stepped forward and said in a deep voice, So, you’re one of Emery’s socalled big brothers, huh? You don’t look impressive at all. Where do you get this sense of superiority?” 

He could not even get into The Urban, and yet he thinks he’s superior to us? What a joke!he thought

WWho are you? We’re disciplining our sister. What’s it got to do with you? Go back to where you came from!Jasper replied

Jasper did not want to talk to any of them. Cassandra is a coward, too. What is she 



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13:00 Wed, 21 Feb 

Chapter 114 

BK 67

doing hiding behind these people? She should own up to what she did!he thought

Cassandra flew into a rage. Jasper, you’d better watch your mouth. This is not a place for you to do as you please!” 

How did someone like him become a doctor? What an insult to doctors! With such a foul mouth, he doesn’t deserve to be a doctor!she mused

Cassandra, everyone knows what kind of place The Urban is. Do you need me to spell out what you’re going to do with all these people here?said Jasper


Cassandra kicked Jasper down

You’re an educated doctor, but you have such a disgusting mouth. I’m just having a meal with them. How does that make me indecent? Why don’t you tell us what have we done wrong? Jasper Yates, are you living in ancient times? This is not the era when men and women can’t sit together. Put away your feudal thoughts! Besides, I’m not related to you now, yet you’re still pointing fingers and acting high and mighty in front of me. Have you not learned your lesson yet? Don’t you have anything better to do?Cassandra erupted in anger

So this is how the Yates family raise their children?she thought

Leonardo stepped forward to defend Jasper. Cassie, Jasper didn’t mean it. You can’t talk to him like that!he said


How should I talk to him then? What kind of relationship does he think we have? What does he think of me? Should I just let him slander me and spread rumors about me? Is this how the Yates family educates their children? No wonder Yulissa grew up to be the mean and deceitful person she is. Turns out she took after her brothers. Why don’t take a look at yourself, Mr. Jasper Yates? You’re just a typical mean bully! You disgust me!Cassandra looked back at Leonardo and said, I’ve said it countless times, I have nothing to do with the Yates Family anymore. You guys published that statement, and cutting ties was my decision. So, can you please stop bothering me?” 

Cassandra was absolutely furious

Jasper struggled to get up from the ground and angrily shouted at Cassandra, You brat! How dare you kick me! You’ve got some nerve. I’ll make you pay for this” 

Cassandra grabbed Jasper’s hand and forcefully swung it away when he tried to slap her

If you don’t want your hand to end up like Raymond’s, stay away from me. Otherwise


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Chapter 114 

you’ll suffer a fate worse than him!she exclaimed

Cassandra’s warning did not deter Jasper from trying to make her pay

Now, Yulissa was locked up, and he was itching all over. He felt horrible, like he was about to die.. 

‘I can’t believe she’s warning me! Did she think I was raised a coward?’ he thought

Jasper had completely lost his sanity now. Cassandra Yates, you better hand over the antidote, or I’ll sue you immediately!” 

Every inch of skin all over his body was covered in scars and wounds, and he had lost. his mind

If you have evidence, go ahead and sue me!Cassandra said indifferently

Cassie, come home with us first. It’s not safe here,said Leonardo

Going back with you is even worse than staying here. Cassandra turned to the men. and said, Go on back to where you came from. I’m heading back, too.” 

Cassandra couldn’t be bothered to deal with them anymore. Instead, she called for the security guards to escort them out

At the base of the Falcon Special Operations Force, the first thing Kenneth did when he returned to the base was to dispose of Ivan and expel him from the army forever

Ivan was never to be reemployed

Everyone begged for mercy on his behalf

However, it was useless, since disobeying orders was considered the biggest crime one could commit

Moreover, he launched a sneak attack during the competition and, even after losing, tried to attack Yulissa

He had already violated a major taboo, and not just one

One of the soldiers cried out, Commander Zelinski, Ivan has made significant contributions several times. Can you give him another chance?” 

It was hard for the soldiers to accept the outcome. They couldn’t just stand by and watch Ivan get kicked out


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13:00 Wed, 21 Feb 

Chapter 114 

What is the duty of a soldier? Answer me!Kenneth shouted

Obey orders!replied everyone


Did Ivan do that? Who should take credit for the successful completion of the rescue mission this time? Ivan blatantly ignored othersmerits!” 



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