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How Death Became My Rebirth novel Chapter 211

Chapter 211 


No! Help!Frightened, Yulissa was looking for a place to hide in the lab

But the door had been locked from the minute she entered

Dad, I’m your daughter. Whatwhat are you doing?” 

It was then that Yulissa started to feel scared. Her gaze was fixed on Zack, who had a vicious and even murderous look on his face



know why you have made it this far? You would not have been born if my wife hadn’t begged for mercy. Now that you’ve come to claim kinship, you should do something for me.” 

Yulissa trembled from fear at the sight of Zack’s scary eyes and insane appearance

I’m your only daughter, Dad. How could you treat me like this?” 

Yulissa regretted it

Why was I so impetuous? I ought to get to know him better before I came. He is an absolute pervert and devil

You are a bastard. If your mother hadn’t set me up, she wouldn’t have you. This upset my wife, who later passed away from depression. She was even provoked by your mother. You and your mother are both bitches who deserve to die.” 

In fact, Zack should also be blamed for his wife’s death

Back then, Zack had been living in the private room of a bar for a month since he and his wife were at odds over a minor disagreement

Miranda showed up at that time, since she noticed that Zack was squandering quite a lot of money there every day, she decided to hook up with him

He learned afterward that Miranda was messing around with all the men in the bar, but he had no idea why she eventually decided to choose him. He had drunk with her before, but it was when his pals were with him

However, Miranda set Zack up that night

A night later, his wife found out about his affair and was so enraged that she began to spit blood

Zack’s wife had since become ill. Miranda had visited him multiple times to maintain their relationship

She claimed that he could break up with her whenever he got tired of her since he had his family

Zack initially refused her outright, but that bitch confronted his wife shamelessly and said some 



nasty words in her 

That evening his wife passed away. However, before dying, she begged him to spare Miranda’s 

His wife was hits only ohmston. Zack didn’t believe that she had died, so be but this laboratory, as well as thats the cellar and crystal coffin for her

Despite conducting numerous experiments, Zack was unable to get his wife to wake up

At first, he listened to his wile and spool Yulissa For these years, he suppressed the hatred in his heart and didn’t und Miranda for revenge 

However, Miranda came to him and asked him to save Valissa, and that stupid woman was even trying to intimidate him if he didn’t agree

He agreed and stated he could only help her once, But Yulissa remmed to this place again. In such 

case, he thought he might just as well utilize her for an experiment

If his wile still couldn’t wake up, he might just remove Yulissa’s hurt and tromsplant it into her wife

Yulissa was so terrified that tears welled up in her eyes, I’m innocent, Dad. It’s Miranda’s fault. Can you take revenge on her instead?” 

Yulissa never expected that her father was such a pervert

She is imprisoned now. Of course, I won’t allow her to get away with it with such ease. But since you are here and found my wife, you can stay with her,said Zack 

Zack beloved he had done nothing wrong. Since his wife had begged him to spare her before she died, Yolissa owed his wife a life

My only child? I don’t need any child except my wife’s

Dad, I’m sorry, No, Mr. James, I’m not your daughter. Please let me go.” 

She denied him to be his father

She just wanted to go home

Nince you have come here nonstop for the past few lays, rest assured, I will allow you to be the lady of the Fallvale Mansion. No one will dare to judge you from now on. All you have to do is to stay here

Zack’s face changed and he shouted in a cold voice, Come in” 

Two men in white coats emerged from a room, both looked about forty or fifty years old

Tie her up and do experiments on her. I don’t want to see her live at ease,” 


Chapter 211 

Yes, sir.” 

You get a chance to live, but you ruined it. Now Let me meet your wishes


After returning from Kenneth’s villa, Jeremiah sat down in front of Cassandra, picked up a peach. off the table, and took a bite

WhewI’m so tired.” 

Cassandra was speechless

You went merely to visit Kenne. How come you are tired?” 

He felt as though he had fought a war, even though it took him merely less than 40 minutes

You have no idea how sinister Kenneth is. He wants to exploit me and forces me to work my ass off for him. He is so mean to me,Jeremiah started to grumble after swallowing the peach

Tell me more about it!” 

All of a sudden, Jeremiah’s mind was frozen. Say what? How?” 

Anyway, he is not a good person.” 

Jeremiah quit struggling. Some matters were too complicated to explain in detail. Otherwise, Elaine would have known exactly what would happen

Then tell me whether you want to join him or not,Cassandra asked

Cassandra knew Jeremiah well. She was certain that he would agree to Kenneth’s request. If not, he wouldn’t have bothered to ask

Let’s talk about it when I come back.” 

Jeremiah’s phone suddenly rang. It was a video sent from his men

He immediately brightened up and sat directly in front of Cassandra as if offering her a treasure. Elaine, look.” 


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