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How Death Became My Rebirth novel Chapter 411

Chapter 411 

Hahaha.The group of people were attracted by a burst of laughter. Who was so ignorant and laughing at this moment

However, the tattooed man bent down respectfully and put away his gun

The laughter should be from his boss

Dr. Quirke is really courageous. You maintain your integrity in the face of so many people. You are bold.” 

Dominic Jensen looked smarter and more capable than Simon, but he was also more courageous

Dominic and Zack both wore a string of beads around their wrists. They looked like sincere believers

He made a somewhat conventional bow to Cassandra

Cassandra nodded slightly and responded in a cold voice, Mr. Jensen, you do not exhibit good hospitality. I find it truly repulsive.”” 

Julius had just now revealed to her in a low voice that his last name was Jensen

Dominic was not annoyed at Cassandra’s words. Instead, he appreciated it very much

Dr. Quirke, would you like to have a cup of coffee with us?Dominic laughed. Of course, Mr. Linton and this gentleman are welcome too.” 

Cassandra and Kenneth looked at each other, and Kenneth nodded

Kenneth let his guard down and quietly took out his phone to send a message to Eddie

Eddie immediately asked his superiors whether to arrest Dominic and was told immediately: [Plainclothesmen are on that street. Just give them a chance.

The tattooed man led them into a nice cafe before guarding the door. No one was allowed to enter

Dr. Quirke, you can order whatever you want.” Dominic made a gesture of invitation

Honey, you go ahead,” Cassandra gave Kenneth the menu and spoke in a soft 

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Chapter 411 

voice, quite different from the icy one from earlier

Kenneth almost dropped the menu out of excitement. This was the first time she called him honey

If it weren’t for the wrong time and place, he would do something to her to show his affection

Cassandra felt a little embarrassed as well. She didn’t know why she spat it out just like that, although they were pretending to be in a relationship

Dominic looked at Faye with interest. You brought your boyfriend when you traveled to treat patients?” 

Cassandra snorted coldly before saying proudly, He is my new boyfriend.” 

Kenneth was speechless

Cassandra was now getting better at making fun of herself

Julius didn’t know what to do at this point, so all he could do was hope Simon would arrive soon to save Faye

Dominic was stunned for a moment, but he also understood that successful people had special hobbies… 

Kenneth deliberately ordered a cup of coffee with a cold face. Cassandra said cheerfully, I would like his kind of coffee.” 

She looked at Dominic and came straight to the point, What can I do for you, Mr. Jensen?” 

Dominic became serious and said, Dr. Quirke, I don’t want you to treat Simon. Can you understand what I mean?” 

I don’t understand. Just tell me.” 

Simon and I share the biggest market in Hydias, and our businesses are comparable. We are deadly rivals. But he did get in touch with a drug dealer from Atharia. In a few days, if they can come to a cooperative agreement, he will have the upper hand. So, I don’t want you to cure him

Dominic assumed that Simon would deteriorate rapidly within six months without Faye’s treatment and eventually die. By then, he would dominate the whole drug business in Hydias

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Chapter 411 

I don’t interfere in anyone’s business, especially my client’s business. I just treat my patients. You should handle whatever is between you two on your own,Cassandra said. This was a refusal

They would be busted anyway for what they did

Dr. Quirke, you are treating him for money. Just tell me an amount and I’ll double it, Dominic said with great generosity

Faye did this for money. Dominic knew exactly how much Simon could afford to her. 

Simon offered me 800,000 thousand dollars. You will offer me the same amount, plus 50% of that. What do you say?Cassandra said

Dominic was in disbelief to hear that. No way? Simon was such a mean person. He knew better than anyone that Simon wouldn’t make such a big financial offer 

That’s impossible.Dominic didn’t believe it

Now their coffee was served. Dominic turned around and said something to his man. Cassandra took the opportunity to flick a small pellet in her hand into Dominic’s cup. There was no splash because the pellet was so small

Cassandra felt lucky. Fortunately, it was coffee without flowers. Otherwise, it would be easy to find out

Kenneth noticed it, though. They took a sip of coffee quietly

Dominic noticed their movements after he had finished speaking. Taking up coffee, he gestured to Cassandra before taking a sip


Cassandra gently smiled. I have my principles, Mr. Jensen. Since I’ve taken charge. of this, I won’t easily stop treating Simon as long as he doesn’t cross my bottom. line.” 

Well said!a loud voice sounded outside, along with a commotion. The tattooed man wanted to stop Simon from coming in but didn’t succeed


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