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How Death Became My Rebirth novel Chapter 44

Chapter 44 

Cassandra looked at Kenneth and thought, Kayden’s leg has been cured! Why would he still try to win it?

The pill served as a test of the Yates family’s sincerity. Cassandra aimed to instigate discord within the family, especially targeting Raymond, who was known for his youthfulness and impulsivity. The idea was to create a scenario where he discovered a medicine capable of saving him, yet his parents, brother, and sister, who were present at the scene, refused to purchase it for him

Cassandra could envision the torment this revelation would inflict upon him

She had arranged for the medicine to be auctioned off

If the Yates family could fork out 4 billion dollars for it, she might choose to give the pill to them

Regardless, half of the money would find its way into her pocket, and this maneuver would also help Cassandra cultivate a favorable reputation

It was a strategic move, allowing her to achieve multiple objectives simultaneously

However, she was taken aback at this point as Kenneth unexpectedly raised the bidding amount to 400 million dollars

Mr. Zelinski, why are you trying to win this medicine? Isn’t that friend of ours have recovered?” 

In her view, since Kayden had recovered, there was no need to waste the money on the pill anymore

Kenneth was momentarily stunned. How did Cassandra find out that the patient I have has recovered? Does she care about me as much as I care about her?he wondered

Such a realization was exciting to him

He thought, Is Cassie in love with me?‘ 

How did you know that the patient I have back home can stand up?” 

Everyone in Drieso knows it. Why wouldn’t I?Cassandra responded, puzzled by Kenneth’s question

It’s not surprising that everyone in Drieso knows about it, but I am curious about how you found out,Kenneth inquired

After all, Cassandra wouldn’t have known about such news as she never paid attention- 


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Chapter 44 

to them


Besides, from his knowledge, Cassandra didn’t have any connections to the Dark Web

Jeremiah told me about it.” 

Desiring to halt his inquiries, she fabricated a lie

Kenneth didn’t expect such an answer

His good mood vanished instantly

He was about to say something when Riley interrupted him

Someone has bid 500 million dollars. Is there anything higher than that?” 

Riley, I want to verify the authenticity of this Restorative Pill,a boss interrogated the host as he stood up

We understand your concerns. When Ms. Cassandra Yates donated this pill, we consulted Hugo from Whitecrane Hall to verify its authenticity. He has confirmed it. You can rest assured!” 

Upon hearing Riley’s statement, Benjamin became so infuriated that he gritted his teeth tightly

This brat! She knows that Ray has hurt his hand, but she didn’t try to save him when she possessed such medicine and tried to auction it off. This damn girl is so unfilial. She doesn’t care about the Yates family at all!‘ 

Leonardo’s expression was extremely grim compared to Benjamin’s

The bidding amount was already 500 million dollars at this moment

He contemplated how to secure that pill. If it turned out to be genuine, it would be something everyone would strive to obtain

Cassandra decided to add another bombshell

She sent a message to Jeremiah. Upon receiving it, Jeremiah stood up and declared, This pill is an additional Restorative Pill that Dr. Quirke managed to refine. In addition to the 100 pills sold publicly before, this is the last one. The only two telegraph plants have run out. I suppose I don’t need to emphasize the value of this pill at this point.” 

Jeremiah then sat down. Meanwhile, his news caused everyone in turmoil

Jeremiah also held the position as the secondincommand of Whitecrane Hall. Hugo garnered more respect solely due to his seniority over Jeremiah. Only those who had 


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Chapter 44 

collaborated closely with Whitecrane Hall were aware that Jeremiah was the true head of the organization, apart from the miracle doctor

Therefore, the credibility of his words carried significant weight

There was no doubt of this, as a few families at the scene had worked with Whitecrane Hall before and had seen Jeremiah there

600 million dollars!” 

700 million dollars!” 

770 million dollars!” 

Kenneth felt a surge of anger at this point. Why are these people trying to compete with me for Cassie’s donation?he questioned silently

It belongs to Cassie. So I must win it no matter what!he decided

1 billion dollars!” 

People clenched their teeth and privately cursed Kenneth for his lack of ethics

Most had incrementally added a maximum of 100 million dollars each time, but Kenneth jumped ahead by nearly 240 million dollars in one go

Honestly, no one could surpass the Zelinski family in terms of financial resources

Thus, many quit the battle

1 billion dollars. Is there anything higher than that?” 

Meanwhile, Riley couldn’t help but think, This is the most expensive item I’ve ever auctioned! 1 billion dollars! I’ve never seen so much money in my life!’ 

1.04 billion dollars!” 

Kenneth’s gaze turned gloomy. Who is that?‘ 

1.2 billion dollars!” 

1.24 billion dollars!” 

1.76 billion dollars!” 

Cassandra hurriedly tugged at Kenneth’s hand, urging him to cease adding to the bidding amount and allowing others to secure the item. As long as someone was willing to pay such a high price, she was content to let it be


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Chapter 44 

Is he rich and stupid?‘ 



She had only spent around 600 million dollars to 800 million dollars for two telegraph. plants, but the current bidding price had doubled that amount

Moreover, the significant concern was that the money belonged to Kenneth, and she genuinely didn’t want him to squander it

Let them have it. The bidding price is way beyond its value now.” 

For her, the pill was not worthy of a higher price

Kenneth froze, not because Cassandra had halted him, but because he was secretly cheering in his heart at that very moment

Oh my god! Cassie is touching my hand! Her hand is so tender and soft. I really want to hold her. No. I shouldn’t scare her!‘ 

Thus, Kenneth listened to her and backed away from the bidding

1.76 billion dollars going once, 1.76 billion dollars going twice, and 1.76 billion dollars going thrice! Congratulations. Mr. Zelinski, for winning Restorative Pill!” 

Riley announced the winner firmly

Leonardo’s expression was way beyond grim

He couldn’t compete with the world’s richest man in terms of financial resources

He had money, but they were limited

The last Restorative Pillwas bought by Kenneth in front of him just like that

What’s going to happen to Ray’s hand now?he wondered

Benjamin and Miranda were also anxious. Without this pill and the possibility of engaging the miracle doctor’s services, they couldn’t help but feel concerned for Raymond’s hand, fearing it might be permanently damaged

Meanwhile, Yulissa saw it as an excellent opportunity to fuel further animosity between her parents, brother, and Cassandra

She began to sob. How could Cassandra do this? She knows that Ray needs the Restorative Pillfor his hand. Why did she put it up for auction? Does she have to earn the money, or does she simply not care about the family?” 

Yulissa sobbed intensely, feeling a profound sense of sorrow for Raymond



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