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How Death Became My Rebirth novel Chapter 467

Chapter 467 

If I cure the patient you’ve brought, and I win, you guys get lost and stay away from Whitecrane Hall. Sounds good?Cassandra suggested

Adrian did some quick thinking. Winning could mean shutting down Whitecrane Hall, allowing them to dominate 

the market of Drieso

After all, without the famed Dr. Quirke around, how capable could Hugo’s apprentice be

But something about Cassandra seemed familiar, though he couldn’t place where he’d seen her before

The crowd was flabbergasted, wondering, Who is she exactly?‘ 

The crowd was abuzz with conversation. Isn’t that Cassandra Yates? She knows traditional medicine too?” 

I also recognize her. Cassandra is practicing traditional medicine? Seriously?” 

Are you guys fans of her? No one can be that skilled in so many areas. Just use your brains. Traditional medicine isn’t something you can master just by being smart because it needs years of experience.” 

I think so too. She seems to be making a joke at a time like this!” 

Let’s just watch. I have a feeling there’s going to be a twist!” 

Oh, no! I can’t miss this. I’m starting a live stream now. This topic is going to explode, and this would be the perfect chance to attract followers!” 

While saying this, this woman immediately took out her phone and started a live stream, tagging Everything about Cassandra.” 

Soon, her live room was flooded with fans eager to see what was going on

Cassandra, noticing the Adrian’s silence, urged, Have you decided? If not, take your patient and leave.” 

Adrian had just overheard the conversation, pondering, This was Cassandra Yates! Leveraging her influence could skyrocket my fame!‘ 

Fine, but you must keep your word. We’re not bringing in any exceptionally difficult cases, and you can’t deliberately make things hard for us,Adrian insisted, wanting to ensure no foul play

Don’t worry. Your people will go with Hugo to pick the patient you want. How about that?Cassandra offered a fair solution, giving them the final say

Deal!agreed Adrian

Chapter 467 

He was surprised that Cassandra seemed to be unfazed about this agreement

So, do I start treating this patient, or do you want to switch to another?She knew these guys would not be kind enough to only prepare one patient for this challenge

Switch. This patient has been under Hugo’s care. Taking over now would seem like cheating,” Adrian said, signaling his people to bring forward another patient

Cassandra suddenly asked, Dr. who? Please tell me how to address you?” 

Just got here, and she knew nobody

Dr. Blackwood,Adrian replied arrogantly, eyeing Cassandra

Okay,Cassandra nodded

Adrian’s team brought in a person covered in pustules, his face swollen and emitting a foul odor, causing the onlookers to step back from the stench

Even Adrian couldn’t hide his disgust

The live chat exploded with reactions to the unpleasant sight

[Yikes, no disrespect to the patient, but I can’t handle this!

[Suddenly, my Starbucks doesn’t taste as good. Do I swallow or spit it out?

[My pancakeHow am I supposed to eat now?

[This is scarier than a zombie. How can she even treat this?

[I’m curious about Cassandra’s plan. This seems impossible!

[I myself study traditional medicine. Sorry to all my teachers, I can’t even look straight at this.

[It’s so gross, I’m going insane!

[I’m from Juset University. Cassandra studied traditional medicine. But I doubt if she will be able to deal with this situation.

[It must be really terrible to see it since you guys here stepped back just now.

[We were repelled by the stink. I just arrived at Whitecrane Hall and almost passed out.

[Just the fact that Cassandra isn’t fazed by this wins her points in my book.

[Cassandra graduated from the Traditional Medicine Department of Juset University. The professors said there’s 


Chapter 467 

nothing left to teach her.

[Really? Is that even possible?!

Adrian smirked triumphantly at Cassandra, his gaze filled with disdain, Ms. Yates, please.” 

Yes.Cassandra’s voice was really calm


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